Browse Chants

Displaying 1-31 of 31 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
011v 1 Alleluia iii

Octava Paschae V A 1 001328 6 Image
011v 2 Alleluia iii

Octava Paschae V A 2 001328 8? Image
011v 3 Alleluia iii

Octava Paschae V A 3 001328 4 Image
011v 4 Alleluia iii

Octava Paschae V A 4 001328 8 Image
011v 5 Alleluia iii

Octava Paschae V A 5 001328 6 Image
011v 6 Vita sanctorum*

In tempore Paschae V H 008412 * Image
011v 7 Gavisi sunt discipuli

In tempore Paschae V W 008080 * Image
011v 8 Qui sunt hi sermones*

Octava Paschae V A M 004500 * Image
011v 9 Christus resurgens*

Octava Paschae X R 600355 * Image
011v 10 Ite nuntiate*

Octava Paschae C A 003462 * Image
011v 11 Ad cenam agni*

Octava Paschae C H 008249 * Image
011v 12 Surrexit dominus*

Surrexit dominus*

Octava Paschae C W * Image
011v 13 Alleluia resurrexit dominus*

Octava Paschae C A N 001352 * Image
011v 14 Te lucis ante*

Octava Paschae L H 008399 * Image
011v 15 Surrexit Christus et illuxit

Surrexit Christus et illuxit

Octava Paschae L W 008211.1 * Image
011v 16 Cum esset sero die illo

Octava Paschae L A B 002002 1 Image
011v 17 Surgens Jesus*

Octava Paschae P A 005075 * Image
011v 18 Christe fili dei vivi

Octava Paschae P R 006276 * Image
011v 19 Qui resurrexisti a mortuis

Octava Paschae P V 01 006276zf * Image
011v 20 Resurrexit dominus

Resurrexit dominus

Octava Paschae P W * Image
011v 21 Surrexit dominus de sepulcro*

Octava Paschae T A 005079 * Image
011v 22 Quem quaeris mulier alleluia

Octava Paschae T R 007468 * Image
011v 23 Viventem cum mortuis

Octava Paschae T V 01 007468a * Image
011v 24 In resurrectione tua Christe

Octava Paschae T W 008100 * Image
011v 25 In Galilaea*

Octava Paschae S A 003237 * Image
011v 26 Noli flere Maria alleluia

Octava Paschae S R 007220 * Image
011v 27 Resurrexit dominus

Octava Paschae S V 01 007220a * Image
011v 28 Surrexit dominus vere

Octava Paschae S W 008213 * Image
011v 29 Mane nobiscum*

Octava Paschae N A 003690 * Image
011v 30 Tulerunt dominum meum alle-

Octava Paschae N R 007796 * Image
011v 31 Et nescio ubi posuerunt eum

Octava Paschae N V 01 007796a * Image
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