Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-4 of 4 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
PL-Kkar 1 (Rkp 12) 036 1 Reges videbunt et consurgent

Joannis Baptistae M A 3.3 004595 8
PL-Kkar 1 (Rkp 12) 036 2 Justus ut palma florebit*

Joannis Baptistae M W 3. 008117 *
PL-Kkar 1 (Rkp 12) 036 3 Praecursor domini venit de

Joannis Baptistae M R 3.1 007420 8
PL-Kkar 1 (Rkp 12) 036 4 Hic est enim propheta et

Joannis Baptistae M V 01 007420b 8
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