Browse Chants

Displaying 1-23 of 23 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
020r 1 Vidit beatus Stephanus caelos

Stephani M V 01 007358b 4 Image
020r 2 Cum autem esset Stephanus

Stephani L A 1 001987 ? Image
020r 3 Lapidabant Judaei Stephanum

Stephani L A 2 003575 ? Image
020r 4 Adhaesit anima mea post te

Stephani L A 3 001272 ? Image
020r 5 Stephanus vidit caelos

Stephani L A 4 005028 ? Image
020r 6 Positis autem genibus clama-

Stephani L A 5 004317 ? Image
020r 7 Magna est gloria ejus*

Stephani L W 008130 * Image
020r 8 Patefactae sunt januae caeli

Stephani L A B 004229 ? Image
020r 9 Cum autem*

Stephani P A 001987 * Image
020r 10 Lapidabant*

Stephani T A 003575 * Image
020r 11 Gloria et honore coronasti

Stephani T R 006774 r Image
020r 12 Et constituisti eum super

Stephani T V 01 006774a r Image
020r 13 Posuisti domine*

Stephani T W 008170 r Image
020r 14 Adhaesit*

Stephani S A 001272 * Image
020r 15 Posuisti domine super caput

Stephani S R 007412 r Image
020r 16 Coronam de lapide pretioso

Stephani S V 01 007412a r Image
020r 17 Amavit eum dominus*

Stephani S W 007941 r Image
020r 18 Positis*

Stephani N A 004317 * Image
020r 19 Amavit eum dominus et ornavit

Stephani N R 006080 r Image
020r 20 Stola gloriae induit eum

Stephani N V 01 006080a r Image
020r 21 Magna est gloria ejus*

Stephani N W 008130 r Image
020r 22 Jucundus homo qui miseretur

Stephani V2 A 1 003510 ? Image
020r 23 Quid retribuam domino pro

Stephani V2 A 2 004530 ? Image
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