Browse Chants

Displaying 1-67 of 67 chants
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
035v 43 O admirabile*

Epiphania V A 003985 *
035v 44 Illuminare illuminare

Epiphania V R 006882 5
035v 45 Et ambulabunt gentes in

Epiphania V V 01 006882a 5
036r 1 Gloria patri et filio et

Epiphania V V 02 909000 5
036r 2 Hostis Herodes*

Hostis Herodes*

Epiphania V H 008248:08 *
036r 3 Reges Tharsis*

Epiphania V W 008180 *
036r 4 Magi videntes stellam dixe-

Epiphania V A M 003654 8
036r 5 Quem non praevalent*

Epiphania C H 830397 *
036r 6 Venient ad te qui*

Epiphania C W 008233 *
036r 7 Stella ista sicut flamma

Epiphania C A N 005022 6T
036r 8 Afferte domino filii dei

Epiphania M A 1.1 001303 7
036r 9 Psallite deo nostro psallite

Epiphania M A 1.2 004406 1
036r 10 Omnis terra adoret te et

Epiphania M A 1.3 004155 4
036r 11 Reges Tharsis*

Epiphania M W 1. 008180 *
036r 12 Hodie in Jordane baptizato

Epiphania M R 1.1 006849 3
036v 1 Caeli aperti sunt super eum

Epiphania M V 01 006849a 3
036v 2 Omnes de saba venient aurum

Epiphania M R 1.2 007314 7
036v 3 Reges Tharsis et insulae

Epiphania M V 01 007314a 7
036v 4 Stella quam viderant magi in

Epiphania M R 1.3 007701 8
036v 5 Et intrantes domum invenerunt

Epiphania M V 01 007701a 8
036v 6 Reges Tharsis et insulae

Epiphania M A 2.1 004594 1
036v 7 Omnes gentes quascumque

Epiphania M A 2.2 004125 4
036v 8 Venite adoremus eum quia ipse

Epiphania M A 2.3 005348 8
037r 1 Magi veniunt ab oriente

Epiphania M R 2.1 007112 8
037r 2 Magi veniunt ab oriente

Epiphania M V 01 007112b 8
037r 3 Interrogabat magos Herodes

Epiphania M R 2.2 006981 4
037r 4 Magi veniunt ab oriente*

Epiphania M V 01 006981a 4
037r 5 Tria sunt munera pretiosa

Epiphania M R 2.3 007777 1
037r 6 Salutis nostrae auctorem magi

Epiphania M V 01 007777b 1
037v 1 Fluminis impetus laetificat

Epiphania M A 3.1 002886 6
037v 2 Adorate dominum alleluia in

Epiphania M A 3.2 001288 6
037v 3 Adorate eum alleluia omnes

Epiphania M A 3.3 001289 6
037v 4 Dies sanctificatus illuxit

Epiphania M R 3.1 006444 8
037v 5 Venite adoremus eum quia ipse

Epiphania M V 01 006444a 8
037v 6 In columbae specie spiritus

Epiphania M R 3.2 006892 2
037v 7 Caeli aperti sunt super eum

Epiphania M V 01 006892a 2
037v 8 Ante luciferum genitus et

Epiphania L A 1 001434 2
037v 9 Venit lumen tuum Jerusalem et

Epiphania L A 2 005344 1
038r 1 Apertis thesauris suis

Epiphania L A 3 001447 1
038r 2 Maria et flumina benedicite

Epiphania L A 4 003700 4
038r 3 Magi videntes stellam obtule-

Epiphania L A 5 003655 1
038r 4 Ibant magi*

Ibant magi*

Epiphania L H 008248:09 *
038r 5 Venient ad te*

Epiphania L W 008233 *
038r 6 Hodie caelesti sponso juncta

Epiphania L A B 003095 8
038r 7 Lux de luce apparuisti

Epiphania P A 003649 8
038r 8 Christe fili dei vivi

Epiphania P R 006276 r
038r 9 Qui apparuisti in terris

Epiphania P V 01 006276zq r
038r 10 Venit lumen*

Epiphania T A 005344 *
038r 11 Reges Tharsis et insulae

Epiphania T R 007522 6
038r 12 Reges arabum et saba dona

Epiphania T V 01 007522a 6S
038r 13 Omnis terra*

Epiphania T W 008161 *
038r 14 Apertis thesauris*

Epiphania S A 001447 *
038r 15 Omnis terra adoret te et

Epiphania S R 007322 r
038r 16 Psalmum dicat nomini tuo

Epiphania S V 01 007322a r
038r 17 Omnes gentes*

Epiphania S W 008160 *
038r 18 Omnes gentes quascumque

Epiphania N R 007315 6
038v 1 Et adorabunt coram te domine

Epiphania N V 01 007315a 6S
038v 2 Venient ad te qui*

Epiphania N W 008233 *
038v 3 Ante luciferum*

Epiphania V2 A 1 001434 *
038v 4 Venit*

Epiphania V2 A 2 005344 *
038v 5 Apertis thesauris*

Epiphania V2 A 3 001447 *
038v 6 Vidimus stellam ejus in

Epiphania V2 A 4 005411 4
038v 7 Magi videntes*

Epiphania V2 A 5 003655 *
038v 8 Videntes stellam*

Epiphania V2 R 007864 *
038v 9 Hostis Herodes*

Hostis Herodes*

Epiphania V2 H 008248:08 *
038v 10 Reges Tharsis*

Epiphania V2 W 008180 *
038v 11 Tribus miraculis ornatum diem

Epiphania V2 A M 005184 1
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