Browse Chants

Displaying 1-5 of 5 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
266v 1 Adhuc loquente Petro cecidit

Cathedra Petri M A 3.3 001274 1
266v 2 Justus ut palma*

Cathedra Petri M W 3. 008117 *
266v 3 Magnificavit*

Cathedra Petri M R 3.1 007116 *
266v 4 Vir Israelita*

Cathedra Petri M R 3.2 007898 *
266v 5 Petre amas me tu scis

Cathedra Petri M R 3.3 007382 4
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