Kraków, Klastor OO. Karmelitów na Piasku (Carmelite Convent), Ms.3 (rkp. Perg. 15)

Cantus Siglum
PL-Kkar Ms.3 (rkp. Perg. 15)
Holding Institution
Kraków, Klastor OO. Karmelitów na Piasku (Carmelite Convent) (PL-Kkar)
Antiphoner. 205 ff. Writing Material: parchment. 475 x 345 mm. Secular cursus.

Provenance (usage): Kraków, Carmelite convent
Provenance (subsequent history):
Noteworthy Details: This is one of six antiphoners indexed by CANTUS that were used at the Carmelite convent in Kraków. The other five manuscripts are:
Kraków, Klastor OO. Karmelitów na Piasku (Carmelite Convent), Ms.1 (rkp. Perg. 12)
Kraków, Klastor OO. Karmelitów na Piasku (Carmelite Convent), Ms.2 (rkp. Perg. 14)
Kraków, Klastor OO. Karmelitów na Piasku (Carmelite Convent), Ms.4 (rkp. Perg. 20)
Kraków, Klastor OO. Karmelitów na Piasku (Carmelite Convent), Ms.5 (rkp. Perg. 13)
Wrocław, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Biblioteka, Rkp. 12025/IV
[rkp. Perg. = Rękopis Pergament; The manuscripts still remaining at the Carmelite convent in Kraków have been numbered (Ms. 1 - Ms. 5) chronologically, earliest to latest, by James Boyce. The "rękopis" (Polish for 'manuscript') numbers assigned by Jerzy Gołos, who ordered the sources by size from largest to smallest, have been retained in parentheses with the abbreviation "rkp".]
This manuscript contains much of the same material as Ms. 1 (dated to 1397), with the addition of the rhymed office of the Three Marys, first accepted into the Carmelite liturgy by the General Chapter of Lyons in 1342. (The versions of this office as found in Mainz, Bischöfliches Dom- und Diözesanmuseum, E and in Florence, Santa Maria del Carmine - Biblioteca, Ms. 0 have been edited in Boyce, “The Office of the Three Marys ...”.)
Contributors to MS Description: JB (08/2006), ed. DL (08/2007, 01/2008).

Notes on the Inventory
The index for PL-Kkar 3 (Rkp 15) was prepared by James Boyce, O. Carm. (Fordham University) with editorial assistance from Andrew Mitchell (University of Western Ontario).
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete (or mostly complete)