Browse Chants

Displaying 1-9 of 9 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
055v 1 Venient ad te qui detrahebant

Epiphania,8 E A 11 005331 8
055v 2 Christus apparuit nobis

Epiphania,8 M I 001054 4
055v 3 A patre unigenitus*

Epiphania,8 M H 830001 *
055v 4 Afferte domino*

Epiphania,8 M A 001303 *
055v 5 Reges Tharsis et insulae*

Epiphania,8 M W 008180 *
055v 6 Dies sanctificatus illuxit

Epiphania,8 M R 1 006444 8
055v 7 Venite adoremus eum quia ipse

Epiphania,8 M V 01 006444a 8
055v 8 Videntes stellam magi gavisi

Epiphania,8 M R 2 007864 4
055v 9 Puer autem Jesus proficiebat

Epiphania,8 V2 A M 004410 5
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