Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), Domarchiv, G 20

Cantus Siglum
D-AAm G 20
Holding Institution
Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), Domarchiv (D-AAm)
Antiphoner from the second half of the thirteenth century, likely created for use at the collegiate church of St. Mary in Aachen. 406 folios. 320 x 220 mm. Hufnagel notation on four-line staff with C and F clefs and a red F line. Secular cursus.
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. 2r-10r: Invitatory

Ff. 10v-198v: Temporale: f. 11r, Advent; f. 26r, Christmas Eve; f. 27v, Christmas Day; f. 31r, Stephen; f. 34r, John the Evangelist; f. 37r, Holy Innocents; f. 44v, Epiphany; f. 49r, Ferial Office; f. 59v, Septuagesima; f. 62r, Sexagesima; f. 63r, Quinquagesima; f. 65v, Ash Wednesday; f. 66r, Lent; f. 80r, Passion Sunday; f. 83v, Palm Sunday; f. 91r, Foot Washing; f. 92v, Good Friday; f. 94v, Holy Saturday; f. 96v, Easter Sunday; f. 110r, Ascension; f. 113v, Pentecost; f. 118v, Trinity Sunday; f. 121r, Summer Histories; f. 143v, George; f. 145r, Marina; f. 149r, Florinus; f. 153r, Ferial Office; f. 196r, Office for the Dead;

Ff. 199r-211r: Hymns

Ff. 214r-342v, Sanctorale: f. 214r, Conception of Mary; f. 220r, Andrew; f. 222v, Nicholas; f. 226r, Lucy; f. 227r, Pope Fabian and Sebastian; f. 229v, Agnes; f. 231v, Vincent; f. 235r, Conversion of Paul; f. 238r, Charlemagne; f. 241v, Purification of Mary; f. 244v, Agatha; f. 246v, Peter's Chair; f. 249r, Gregory the Great; f. 251v, Annunciation of Mary; f. 255v, Adalbert of Prague; f. 257r, Mark; f. 257r, Phillip and James; f. 258r, Finding of the Cross; f. 259v, John before the Latin Gate; f. 259v, Servais; f. 263r, Corona; f. 264v, John the Baptist; f. 267r, John and Paul; f. 268r, Peter and Paul; f. 269v, Paul; f. 271v, Seven Brothers; f. 272r, Sending for the Apostles; f. 273r, Mary Magdalene; f. 276r, Pantaleon; f 276v, Peter in Chains; f. 277r, Finding of Stephen's relics; f. 279v, Laurence; f. 282v, Hippolytus; f. 283r, Assumption of Mary; f. 288r, Beheading of John the Baptist; f. 294v, Gangulfus; f. 296r, Aegidius; f. 299r, Birthday of Mary; f. 302r, Cornelius and Cyprian; f. 302r, Exaltation of the Cross; f. 303v, Lambert; f. 306v, Matthew; f. 309r, Maurice and Companions; f. 312r, Cosmas and Damian; f. 312v, Michael; f. 315v, Leopardus; f. 317v, Remigius; f. 320v, Dionysius; f. 323r, Gereon and Companions; f. 326r, Gall; f, 328r, 11,000 Virgins; f. 330r, Severinus; f. 331r, All Saints' Day; f. 334r, Martin; 336v, Brice; f. 337v, Othmar; f. 337v, Cecelia; f. 340r, Clement; f. 341r, Catherine; f. 343r, Dedication of a Church; f. 346v, Common of Apostles; f. 349r, Common of one Martyr; 352r, Common of several Martyrs; f. 355r, Common of one Confessor; f. 358r, Common of several Confessors; f. 358v, Common of one Virgin; f. 360r, Office for the Dead

Later additions: f. 364r, Visitation of Mary; f. 378r, Moving of Servatius's relics; f. 384r, Votive Office for Mary; f. 395r, the Holy Lance; f. 399r, Corpus Christi


This manuscript was likely created for use at the male collegiate church of St. Mary in Aachen, as evidenced by the saints' feasts included in the antiphoner. Of particular note is the inclusion of the office for Adalbert of Prague, Bishop and Martyr (celebrated April 23), also known as the office Ad festa pretiosi. As Jakub Kubieniec writes in his article on the office (see Bibliography), it appears in several manuscripts from Aachen beginning in the twelfth century, as well as in manuscripts from Kraków. Kubieniec challenges an earlier theory that the office originated in Kraków, as evidenced from an antiphoner from the Kraków Cathedral (c. 1320, MS. 52), and argues that the Aachen antiphoner contains an earlier version of the office.

The text of the manuscript is Roman minuscule and Gothic text in black ink, with early and high Gothic initials in blue and red ink with filigree, and plant and animal motifs (e.g., ff. 59v, 44v, 27r). Additions to the manuscript were made in the thirteenth to fifteenth century in various hands (f. 364r-406v).

Differentiae are indexed by their last note and an arbitrarily assigned number. Slight variations are indicated by a lowercase suffix (e.g., D2, D2a).

Selected Bibliography

  • De Loos, Ike. "Liturgy and Chant in the Northern Low Countries." Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis 53, no. 1/2 (2003): 9-47.
  • Euw, Anton, and Georg Minkenberg. Federstrich: Liturgische Handschriften Der Ehemaligen Stiftsbibliothek : Katalog Der Ausstellung Vom 3.12.2000-25.2.2001. Aachen: DOM Archiv, 2001.
  • Hoffmann, Jürgen. "Der Adalbertskult in Aachener Marienstift." Deutsches Archiv Für Erforschung Des Mittelalters 62 (January 2006): 607-617.
  • Kubieniec, Jakub."Akwizgrański przekaz Ad festa pretiosi." Muzyka: Kwartalnik Poświęcony Historii I Teorii Muzyki 45, no. 2 (2000): 81-87.

Notes on the Inventory
The inventory for D-AAm G 20 was prepared by Ike de Loos (Universiteit Utrecht), Elizabeth Sander (University of Western Ontario), and Andrew Mitchell (University of Western Ontario), with editorial assistance from Debra Lacoste (University of Western Ontario) and Kate Helsen (University of Western Ontario).
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete source