Browse Chants

Displaying 1-7 of 7 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
074r 1 Docebit vos omnia alleluia

Dom. Pentecostes S V 01 602233a r
074r 2 Gloria patri et filio et

Dom. Pentecostes S V 02 909000 r
074r 3 Repleti sunt omnes spiritu

Dom. Pentecostes S W 008182 *
074r 4 Repleti sunt omnes spiritu

Dom. Pentecostes N R 007530 r
074r 5 Et coeperunt loqui alleluia

Dom. Pentecostes N V 01 007530a r
074r 6 Gloria patri et filio et

Dom. Pentecostes N V 02 909000 r
074r 7 Loquebantur variis linguis

Dom. Pentecostes N W 008126 *
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