Print (Multiple Copies), MA Impr. 1537

Cantus Siglum
Cantus MA Impr. 1537
Holding Institution
Print (Multiple Copies) (XX-NN)
Antiphoner printed in Cologne by Hero Alopecius (Fuchs) in 1537 for the diocese of Münster in Westphalia: Antiphonarium, Omnia pia Canonicarum horarum cantica: secundum ordinem atque vsum Ecclesie et diocesis Monasteriensis: complectens, iam primum summa diligentia excusum. 425 x 290 mm. Hufnagelschrift on five-line staves with F and C clefs. Cathedral cursus. 490 leaves, printed foliation (with mistakes) 2-501, fol. 330 follows fol. 319 and fol. 493 follows fol. 491 (without lacunae). (I.e., there are no leaves numbered "320-329", and no "492" but no material is missing.)
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. 2r-214v: Temporale. 2r, First Sunday of Advent; 23r, O antiphons; 24r, Christmas; 33r, Stephen; 38r, John the Evangelist; 42v, Holy Innocents; 50r, Octave of Christmas; 52v, Octave of Stephen; 54r, Octave of John the Evangelist; 55r, Octave of Holy Innocents; 55r, Epiphany; 61v, Octave of Epiphany; 67r, Ferial Office; 76r, Septuagesima; 86r, Ash Wednesday; 112v, Passion Sunday; 119r, Palm Sunday; 126r, Maundy Thursday; 136v, Easter Sunday; 146r, Octave of Easter; 158v, Ascension; 164r, Pentecost; 170v, Trinity; 176r, Corpus Christi; 180v, Summer Histories; 204v, Sundays after Pentecost.
Ff. 215r-215v: Responsory verse tones. Ff. 216r-216v: Votive Offices.
Ff. 217r - 238r: Common of the Saints. Ff. 238v-244r: Antiphons "ad Suffragium".
Ff. 245r-312v: Sanctorale. 245r, Andrew; 249v, Nicholas; 253v, Octave of Andrew; 254v, Conception of Mary; 259r, Translation of Patroclus; 264r, Lucy; 265v, Octave of Conception; 269v, Thomas; 269v, Paul the Hermit; 269v, Anthony; 269v, Fabian and Sebastian; 273v, Agnes; 277v, Vincent; 282v, Conversion of Paul; 287v, Purification of Mary; 291v, Blaise; 292r, Agatha; 296v, Dorothy; 296v, Peter's Chair; 300r, Matthias; 300r, Walburga; 300v, Gregory the Great; 304v, Gertrude of Nivelles; 304v, Annunciation of Mary; 308r, Liudger; 312v, Ambrose.
Ff. 312v-316v: Common of the Saints in Eastertide.
Ff. 316v-501v: Sanctorale. 316v, George; 319r, Translation of Liudger; 319v, Mark; 319v, Philip and James; 330v, Elevation of Elizabeth's relics; 330v, Finding of the Cross; 333r, Florian; 333r, John before the Latin Gate; 333v, Pancras and Companions; 336r, Servais; 336r, Boniface; 336r, Vitus; 340v, John the Baptist; 344v, John and Paul; 346r, Victoria Pauli; 346r, Seven Sleepers of Ephesus (on 27 June in Münster); 346r, Peter and Paul; 351v, Paul; 356r, Visitation of Mary; 361r, Octave of Peter and Paul; 362r, Sending forth of the Apostles; 367v, Mary Magdalene; 372r, Liborius; 372v, James the Greater; 375v, Anne, Mother of Mary; 376r, Translation of the Three Kings; 381r, Charles the Great; 386r, Peter in Chains; 387v, Stephen I, Pope; 387v, Finding of Stephen; 393r, Walburga (departure from England); 393v, Oswald; 393v, Afra; 393v, Cyriacus and Companions; 393v, Laurence; 398v, Tiburtius and Susanna; 399r, Hippolytus; 400v, Assumption of Mary; 405r, Anne, Mother of Mary; 409r, Octave of Laurence; 409r, Helen, Finder of the Cross; 413v, Octave of Assumption of Mary; 413v, Symphorian and Timothy; 413v, Bartholomew; 413v, Augustine; 413v, Hermes; 414v, Beheading of John the Baptist; 419r, Giles; 419r, Victorinus, martyr; 420r, Birthday of Mary; 420r, Gorgonius; 420r, Exaltation of the Cross; 421v, Octave of Birthday of Mary; 421v, Nicomedes; 421v, Euphemia; 421v, Lambert; 426r, Matthew; 426v, Maurice and Companions; 430v, Cosmas and Damian; 431v, Jerome; 431v, Michael the Archangel; 436r, Dedication of a Church; 441r, Remigius; 446r, Translation of Liudger; 446r, Denis; 448v, Gereon and Companions; 452v, Luke; 453r, 11,000 Virgins; 458r, Severus; 458r, Chrysanthus and Daria; 461v, Simon and Jude; 461v, Translation of the brothers Ewald; 461v, Quentin; 461v, All Saints' Day; 465r Translation of Victorinus and Florian; 469r, Hubert; 469r, Martin; 472v, Cunibert; 472v, Brice; 473v Elizabeth of Hungary; 477v, Cecilia; 481v, Clement I; 482v, Catherine; 487r, Holy Lance; 489v, Compassion of Mary; 493v, Transfiguration of Jesus; 498r, Presentation of Mary.


This book forms part of the "opus tripartitum" (including a gradual [1536] and a noted ferial psalter [1537] , that the Cologne printer Hero Alopecius (Fuchs) produced for the diocese of Münster after the Anabaptists had destroyed many liturgical books in the city during their "kingdom of a thousand years" in 1534-35. It is a rich source of historia with plainchant texts and melodies that are unique, or nearly unique, to antiphoners and noted breviaries written for use in the diocese of Münster. In addition to the office for St Liudger (Analecta Hymnica [AH] 26, no. 91), the first bishop of the diocese, one can single out the offices for St. Patroclus (not in AH), the Conversion of St. Paul (AH 28, no. 43), the Sending Forth of the Apostles (AH 5, no. 22), the Translation of the Three Kings (AH 5, no. 23), the Beheading of John the Baptist (AH 26, no. 51), Sts. Chrysanthus and Daria (AH 25, no. 73) and the Holy Lance (partly in AH 5, no. 7). All of these offices are part of a work in progress at the University of Cape Town that will include critical editions of the texts and melodies.

The differentiae of each mode have been numbered with a two-digit system: an upper-case letter indicating the final pitch of the differentia and a sequentially ordered numeral. The codes for differentiae and chants not found in CAO will be retained for the manuscript sources from the diocese of Münster that are currently being indexed.

Two breviary manuscript sources, containing the cathedral liturgy of Münster, were consulted in order to clarify Feast Name, Office and Position entries in the index for which the printed Antiphoner provides unclear or insufficient information: Münster, Nordrhein-Westfälisches Staatsarchiv, Verein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde Westfalens, Abt. Münster, Msc. 97 and Msc. 273 (D-MÜsa MSS AV97 and AV273). The Fraterherren of Münster wrote both of these volumes: the former (1464), containing the winter and spring parts, was written for Hermann von Langen, Dean of the Münster cathedral, while the latter (ca. 1480), containing the summer and winter parts was written for a canon of the same cathedral.

Selected Bibliography

  • Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, München & Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel. Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des XVI. Jahrhunderts,
  • Bohatta, Hanns. Bibliographie der Breviere 1501-1850, 2nd ed. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1963, p. 227 no. 2465 (incorrectly identified as a breviary).
  • Bömer, Alois & Hermann Degering, eds. Westfälisches Bibliographie zur Geschichte, Landeskunde und Volkskunde 1: Abt. A-K. Münster: Regensberg, 1955, p. 291 no. J 1049 (with the incorrect date of 1527).
  • Börsting, Heinrich. Inventar des Bischöflichen Diözesanarchivs in Münster. Inventare der nichtstaatslichen Archive der Provinz Westfalen, Beiband III: Regierungsbezirk Münster: Bischöfliches Diözesanarchiv in Münster. Münster: Aschendorff, 1937, pp. 91-94, 514.
  • Haller, Bertram. "Liturgische Handschriften und Drucke des Bistums Münster im Spiegel der Buchgeschichte", in Benedikt Kranemann & Klemens Richter, eds. Zwischen römischer Einheitsliturgie und diözesaner Eigenverantwortung: Gottesdienst im Bistum Münster. Münsteraner Theologische Abhandlungen 48. Altenberge: Oros, 1997.
  • Ossing, Hans. Untersuchungen zum Antiphonale Monasteriense (Alopecius-Druck 1537), ein Vergleich mit den Handschriften des Münsterlandes, 2 vols. Kölner Beiträge zur Musikforschung 39. Regensburg: Gustav Bosse, 1966.
  • University of Michigan. Renaissance liturgical imprints: a census (RELICS),

  • Alternative set of digital images:

Notes on the Inventory
The index for MA Impr. 1537 was prepared by Morné Bezuidenhout and Danette Brink (University of Cape Town) with editorial assistance from Kate Helsen and Debra Lacoste (University of Western Ontario).
Full Texts Entered by
Rebecca Chapeskie
Jacob deGroot-Maggetti
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete (or mostly complete)