Browse Chants

Displaying 1-5 of 5 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
212v 1 Exsultent justi in conspectu

Omnium Sanctorum M W 1. 008070 * Image
212v 2 In principio erat verbum et


Omnium Sanctorum M R 1.1 006927 7 Image
212v 3 Quod factum est in ipso


Omnium Sanctorum M V 01 006927a 7 Image
212v 4 Felix namque es sacra virgo


Omnium Sanctorum M R 1.2 006725 1 Image
212v 5 Ora pro populo interveni pro


Omnium Sanctorum M V 01 006725a 1 Image
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