Browse Chants

Displaying 1-6 of 6 chants
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
272w 0 Si enim hoc egero mors

Si enim hoc egero mors

De Prophetis M V 01 006099a ?
272w 1 Alleluia*


De Prophetis M A 8
272w 2 Laudabilis populus quem

Laudabilis populus quem

De Prophetis M R 2 007077 8
272w 3 Beata gens cujus est dominus

Beata gens cujus est dominus

De Prophetis M V 01 007077a 8
272w 4 Redemit dominus populum suum

Redemit dominus populum suum

De Prophetis M R 3 007515 3
272w 5 Eritque*


De Prophetis M V 01 007515b 3
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