Solesmes, Abbaye de Saint-Pierre, 596 (The Wilton Processional)

Cantus Siglum
F-SO 596 (The Wilton Processional)
Holding Institution
Solesmes, Abbaye de Saint-Pierre (F-SO)
Solesmes Ms. 596 was copied from a late thirteenth-century manuscript processional from the women's Benedictine house of Wilton Abbey by Dom Paul Jausions circa 1860. After this time, the original thirteenth-century manuscript disappeared. Thirty-seven leaves of the original manuscript were identified in 2015-16 (see Altstatt, 2016.) Altstatt has shown that Otto F. Ege broke the manuscript circa 1948 and sold its leaves both individually and as Example no. 8 in the boxed portfolio 'Fifty Original Leaves from Medieval Manuscripts.' As of 2023, forty-four original leaves have been identified.

When possible, the index has been prepared from the original leaves of the Wilton processional, and when not possible, from Solesmes Ms. 596.

The following forty-four leaves of the original 13th-century manuscript have been identified through the collaborative efforts of Michele Aichele, Milly Budny, Debra Cashion, Lisa Fagan Davis, David Gura, Scott Gwara, Christopher de Hamel, Eric J. Johnson, and Peter Kidd.

Folio, Owning collection and shelfmark or catalog number, Contents

1. Collection of Christopher de Hamel, November and Advent Sundays

8. The Toledo Museum of Art 1953.129H, Nativity, St. Steven

9. The Rochester Institute of Technology, Cary Graphic Arts Collection Portfolio Box 1-8, St. John, Holy Innocents, St. Thomas

10. The Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, Grosvenor Room RBR MSS. F54 1100, Octave of the Nativity, Circumcision, Epiphany

16. Stony Brook University, Frank Melville Jr. Memorial Library Z109 E4, Purification

30. University of Notre Dame, Hesburgh Library Constable MS 4, Palm Sunday

36. St. Louis Public Library, Grolier MS. 27, Palm Sunday

40.Dunedin Public Libraries, Heritage Collection, RMM Fragment 59b

43. University of Colorado, Boulder, Norlin Library ND 2950 E38 1900, Holy Thursday

44. Smith College, Neilson Library, Mortimer Rare Book Room MS 35, Holy Thursday, Good Friday

57. Kenyon College Olin Library, Special Collections and Archives Z113 F5, Holy Saturday

58. University of North Carolina, Greensboro Jackson Library, Special Collections, Z6605.L3 E44_08, Holy Saturday

59. Denison University, William Howard Doane Library, Special Collections Z113 .F5, Visitatio sepulchri

60. The Cleveland Public Library, Main Library, Fine Arts and Special Collections F Z109.E34 1900Z, Visitatio sepulchri

65. The Pierpont Morgan Library, MS M.1021, Easter Sunday

66. Case Western Reserve University, Kelvin Smith Library Special Collections, ND 2920. E33, Easter Sunday

69. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Special Collections and Rare Books Flat 019.51 F466, Easter Sunday

74. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Spurlock Museum 1948.06.0004,
Major Litanies (Major Rogations)

75. Colby College Special Collections, Gladys Mayo Collection of Medieval Manuscript Leaves,
Major Litanies (Major Rogations), Philip and James

82. Colby College Special Collections, Gladys Mayo Collection of Medieval Manuscript Leaves, Minor Litanies (Minor Rogations)

85. Ohio University, ND2920 E35 1950x, Minor Litanies (Minor Rogations)

88. Indiana University, The Lilly Library Z118 A3 E28, Minor Litanies (Minor Rogations)

94. The New York State Library, Albany, 091 xE29
Minor Litanies (Minor Rogations)

95. The Cleveland Institute of Art, ND2920 .E33, Minor Litanies
(Minor Rogations)

97. University of Saskatchewan, Main Library, Special Collections,
MSS 14, Minor Litanies (Minor Rogations)

98. The Ohio State University Libraries, Special Collections, MS. LAT. 7
Minor Litanies (Minor Rogations)

100. Unknown; sold by Christie's, December 2022.
Minor Litanies (Minor Rogations)

101. The Wadsworth Atheneum, Museum of Art 1960.126.8,
Minor Litanies (Minor Rogations)

102. University of Massachusetts, Amherst Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives MS 570,
Minor Litanies (Minor Rogations)

103. The University of Toronto, Massey College, Robertson Davies Library, Gurney FF 0001
Vigil of the Ascension

105. The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County 096.1 ffF469,
Vigil of the Ascension, Ascension

106. The Newark Public Library, Special Collections Division, Ascension

107. The University of South Carolina, Irvin Department of Rare Books and Special Collections,
Ascension, Sunday within the octave of the Ascension

112. University of Iowa Libraries, Special Collections xfMMs.Gr3, Pentecost, Creed play

117. The Ohio State University Libraries, Rare Books & Manuscripts Library, MS.MR.Frag.8.117, Octave of Trinity Sunday

118. The Lima Public Library F-MEM 091 E Lufkin, Post-Pentecost Sundays

119. The Ontario College of Art and Design, Dorothy H. Hoover Library ND 2920 E44 R.B.C.,
Post-Pentecost Sundays

122. Private collection, Post-Pentecost Sundays, St. Barnabus

123. Unknown; Sold April 2023 by Material Culture via Live Auctioneers. Saint Edward, Martyr; John the Baptist

135. The Art Gallery of Ontario, Marian antiphons

141. Kent State University, Main Library, Special Collections and Archives edsoai.701896902, St. Michael

144. Fifty Original Leaves from Medieval Manuscripts, set 1, private collection, Louisville, Ohio, St. Iwius and St. Dionysius

160. Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Settings of Hymn Nunc sancte nobis spiritus

161. Dunedin Public Libraries, Heritage Collection, RMM Fragment 59
Settings of Hymn Nunc sancte nobis spiritus

Selected Bibliography

Altstatt, Alison. “Re-membering the Wilton Processional.” Notes: the Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 72:4 (2016), 690–732.

___. "The Rogation Processions of Wilton Abbey,” Yale Journal of Music and Religion 2:2, The Sounds of Processions (2016), 11–48.

___. "F-SO 596." In Corpus Monodicum: Die einstimmige Musik des lateinischen Mittelalters V-1, edited by Elaine Stratton-Hild and Andreas Haug. Basel: Schwabe, forthcoming.

___.Wilton Abbey in Procession: Benedictine Women’s Music and Ritual in the Thirteenth-century Wilton Processional. Exeter Studies in Medieval Europe, edited by Yolanda Plumley. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, forthcoming 2024.

Benoît -Castelli, Georges. “Un processionnal Anglais du XIV-ième siecle: le Processional dit ‘de Rollington.’” Ephemerides liturgicae 75 (1961): 281-326.

Huglo, Michel. Les Manuscrits du Processional. International Inventory of Musical Sources B; XIV. 2 volumes. München: Henle, 1999, 2004.

Pappano, Margaret Aziza. “Sister Acts: Conventual Performance and the Visitatio sepulchri in England and France,” in Medieval Constructions in Gender and Identity: Essays in Honor of Joan M. Ferrante, edited by Teodolinda Barolini, 43–67. Medieval and Reniassance Texts and Studies 293. Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2005.

Porcheddu, Frederick. Greta Smith, and Denison University Library. "Leaf 08." “Otto F. Ege Collection” The Ege Manuscript Leaf Portfolios. Last updated May 15 2015,

Rankin, Susan K. “A New English Source of the Visitatio Sepulchri.” Journal of the Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Society 4 (1981): 1–11.

___. "Liturgical Drama." In Richard Crocker and David Hiley, ed. The Early Middle Ages to 1300, vol. 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Yardley, Anne Bagnall. Performing Piety: Musical Culture in Medieval English Nunneries. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2006.

Notes on the Inventory
The inventory for F-SO 596 was prepared by Alison Altstatt (University of Northern Iowa School of Music) with the permission of the Abbey of St. Pierre de Solesmes. Proofreading by Alessandra Ignesti (Dalhousie University). Transcription assistance was provided by Lauren Purcell Joiner and Gabriel Forero Villamizar. Support for this project was provided by the University of Northern Iowa School of Music, the College of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences, and Graduate College, the Beinecke Library of Yale University, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. All chants have been transcribed in both standardized and manuscript spellings. Rubrics have been added in the indexing notes. Stational liturgies have been indexed according to the feast on which they occur, as opposed to the saint at whose altar they were sung. In such cases, a clarifying note has been added in the indexing notes.
Other Editors
Debra Lacoste
Full Texts Entered by
Alison Altstatt
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete source