California, Private collections, D-0io1s (fragment) | Cantus Database

California, Private collections, D-0io1s (fragment)

US-CApc D-0io1s (fragment)
Fragmented leaf from an antiphoner. Sixteenth century (?).
Liturgical Occasions

Sexagesima Sunday (Lauds to Vespers)


Single leaf from an antiphoner. Square notation in black ink on red five-line staves with F- and C-clefs; 6 lines per folio side. Rounded textual script suggests the sixteenth century or later. 50.5 x 37.5 cm, with a principal writing space of 37.2 x 24.5 cm. Acquired at an estate sale in California, USA. Currently in the private collection of S. Helak (2018).

Fragmentarium entry:

Notes on the Inventory
The inventory for US-CApc D-0io1s (fragment) was first drafted by Debra Lacoste during email consultations with the owner of the leaf. The records and manuscript description were entered by Debra Lacoste.The siglum and description were updated with links to Fragmentarium by Anna de Bakker.
Other Editors
Anna de Bakker
Full Texts Entered by
Debra Lacoste
Complete/Partial Inventory
Complete Inventory
Full Source/Fragment
Fragment or Fragmented
Fragment ID