Montréal, McGill University - Rare Books and Special Collections - Manuscript Collection, MS Medieval 0081

Cantus Siglum
CDN-Mrb MS Medieval 0081
Holding Institution
Montréal, McGill University - Rare Books and Special Collections - Manuscript Collection (CDN-Mrb)
Gradual, six leaves, Italian, 2nd half of 15th century. 580 x 390 mm. Square notation in black ink on red four-line staff.
Liturgical Occasions

John the Evangelist, Paul, Octave of Peter and Paul, Thomas Aquinas, Visitation of Mary, Dominic, Common of several Confessors.


Six folios from a Gradual. Each leaf has a roman numeral in the upper margin: XII, XXVIII, XXXI, CV, CCXVIIII, CCXXIII. Four line red staff with square notation. Text is Italian-style Textualis. Colourful, gold-leaf initials open each chant.

The rubrics used (Officium for Introit, Responsorium for Gradual) suggest a possible Dominican usage. The surviving leaves also suggest special attention given to Thomas Aquinas.

No. 81 in De Ricci's Census.

Selected Bibliography

S. de Ricci. Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada.

Full Texts Entered by
Martha Culshaw
Melodies Entered by
Martha Culshaw
Description Entered by
Anna de Bakker
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Fragmentarium ID