Montréal, McGill University - Rare Books and Special Collections - Manuscript Collection, MS Medieval 0186

Cantus Siglum
CDN-Mrb MS Medieval 0186
Holding Institution
Montréal, McGill University - Rare Books and Special Collections - Manuscript Collection (CDN-Mrb)
Missal, one leaf, 14th century. No musical notation.

"In Latin, on vellum, one leaf, text in Gothic Textualis. 14th century, from Italy. 321x227 mm.; writing surface 210x160 mm. Two columns, 26 lines, brown ink, red rubrics. On the recto there is one six-line initial (L), in ultramarine, light-brown, brown, and red, decorated with gold leaf disks. The stem extends along the left margin ending with acanthus leaves. Three, three-line initials in red and blue ink, alternatively, surrounded by curlicues, spirals and bars.

Contents. Mass for the Thursday (Feria V) after the fourth Sunday in Quadragesima (the first Sunday in Lent). Introit: Laetetur cor quaerentium Dominum... Collect: Praesta quaesumus omnipotens Deus.... Epistle: (4 Kings 4: 25-35) In diebus illis venit mulier... "

(Holland, Anne Marie, compiler. "MS Medieval 186." Long Descriptions Ms Medieval Manuscript Antiphonals, Missals and Graduals. Digitization and Cataloguing Project- Antiphonals, Missals and Gradual. Updated December 6, 2018), 24.

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