Montréal, McGill University - Rare Books and Special Collections - Manuscript Collection, MS Medieval 0211

Cantus Siglum
CDN-Mrb MS Medieval 0211
Holding Institution
Montréal, McGill University - Rare Books and Special Collections - Manuscript Collection (CDN-Mrb)
Missal, one leaf, Italian, mid-14th century. No musical notation.
Liturgical Occasions

15th and 16th Sundays after Pentecost.


"One leaf, on vellum, in latin. Middle of 14th century, northern Italian. Light-brown ink, red ink rubrics. 320x225 mm., writing surface 210x145 mm. Two columns, 26 lines. Text in round gothic characters.

Contents: r. I. qui autem seminat in spiritu.... Ad Galatas VI, 8-10. Dominica XV post Pentecostem. ......corpori vestro quid induami- II. ni. Nonne anima plus est quam.... ....Quid manducabimus
v. I. aut quid bibemus aut quo operiemur..... haec omnia adicientur vobis (Mat. VI, 24-33) Postcommunio: ....salvationis effectum II. Dominica XVI post Pentecostem (red rubric) Miserere mihi Domine.....(Ps. LXXXV, 3-5) Fratres. Obsecro vos ne deficiatis in tribulationibus meis.... Ut det vobis (Ad Ephes. III, 13-16)

Decoration: One three-line initial (M) on verso, on second column, in light-brown and white. Between the stems it encloses small acanthus leaves, in blue, which stem from two gold leaf disks. The initial rests on square ultramarine ground; from the end of its between columns margin side stem extend, into the margin, small size acanthus leaves in light-blue, red, light-brown and dark-yellow. The ultramarine ground contains in the corners white, thin curlicues, is surrounded by a narrow faded gold border and on top of its upper left corner rests a gold leaf disk. Also, alternating between blue and red ink, appear two-line initials, surrounded by alternating red and blue curlicues, cusps, S-shaped patterns and bars."

(Holland, Anne Marie, compiler. "MS Medieval 211". Long Descriptions Ms Medieval Manuscript Antiphonals, Missals and Graduals. Digitization and Cataloguing Project- Antiphonals, Missals and Gradual. Updated December 6, 2018), 30.

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