Montréal, McGill University - Rare Books and Special Collections - Manuscript Collection, MS Medieval 0221
- Cantus Siglum
- CDN-Mrb MS Medieval 0221
- Holding Institution
- Montréal, McGill University - Rare Books and Special Collections - Manuscript Collection (CDN-Mrb)
- Manuscript/Print
- Manuscript
- Summary
- Antiphoner, one leaf, Italian, mid-16th century. No musical notation.
- Description
"Mid-16th century Italian, on vellum. Light-brown ink, rubrics in red ink. Foliated in red ink (192) on the upper right corner of the recto side. Capital letters in light-brown and yellow ink. Text lined and framed by red ink drawn lines. 530x332 mm., writing surface 435x250 mm.
Contents: r. Praesta Pater piissime. Cant. B.Mariae Virg. Magnificat. Anima mea Dominum (red rubric). Et exultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo. Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae ec- v. ce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes..... ...Esurientes implevit bonis et divites di- (Luke, I, 47-53).
Decoration. Six-line initial (M-agnificat) in red and grey, on square ground. Between the stems appear acanthus leaves shaped on the white ground, with light-red coloration, as well as scroll-like shapes, again in white, with red spots. The ground is framed (016 mm.). The frame contains a middle section with a spiral meander in yellow. The remaining two sections of the ground's frame are made of small white, grey framed, squares each containing a red dot."(Holland, Anne Marie, compiler. "MS Medieval 221". Long Descriptions Ms Medieval Manuscript Antiphonals, Missals and Graduals. Digitization and Cataloguing Project- Antiphonals, Missals and Gradual. Updated December 6, 2018), 36.
- Notes on the Inventory
- The library calls this a missal, but since the content is texts associated with the office, it is most likely from the hymn and canticle section of an antiphoner or breviary.
- Full/Partial Inventory
- Full Inventory
- Complete Source/Fragment
- Fragment
- Fragmentarium ID
- F-1pqr
- D-01pqr