Sydney, University of Sydney - Fisher Library - Rare Books & Special Collections, Add.Ms. 327 (rear pastedown)

Cantus Siglum
AUS-Sfl Add.Ms. 327 (rear pastedown)
Holding Institution
Sydney, University of Sydney - Fisher Library - Rare Books & Special Collections (AUS-Sfl)
Single parchment sheet from a noted missal. A bifolium, suited to placement at the centre of a gathering. The bifolium has been trimmed to approximately 340 x 475 mm. In the inventory, the left side is named 'a' and the right side is named 'b'. Aquitanian notation is employed, neatly written without any coloured staff line. Page ruling was probably employed as a staff; however, that page ruling is rarely and only very faintly visible. Custodes are regularly employed. Features of the text hand point to preparation of the bifolium on the Iberian Peninsula, and more specifically to Spain.
Liturgical Occasions

Dom. Resurrectionis
Fer. 2 p. Pascha


This fragment is firmly attached as a pastedown to the inside of the rear cover of the sixteenth-century cantoral AUS-Sfl Add.Ms. 327. As a result, only one side of the fragment can be viewed. The trimming of the bifolium removed one or two text lines at the bottom and part of the rightmost column. It is however likely that no notated content on the fragment's exposed face was lost in the trimming. Some other damage to the fragment is visible including red ink staining, which may have transferred from a folio placed on top of the pastedown, and some small holes in the parchment caused by wear and pressure, and perhaps by insects.

The chant content includes the incomplete final chant for Dom. Resurrectionis, and the opening of Fer. 2 p. Pascha. An interesting set of three Alleluia chants is given for Fer. 2. p. Pascha.

Selected Bibliography

On the fragment, see:
Nelson, Kathleen E. "Fragments of medieval chant manuscripts at the University of Sydney." Fontes Artis Musicae, 55 (2008): 223–31.

On the main sixteenth-century parts of AUS-Sfl Add.Ms. 327:
Hardie, Jane Morlet, “Spain in Sydney: University of Sydney Fisher Rare Book Additional Manuscript 327, an Inventory and Introductory Study,” in Treasure of the Golden Age: Essays on Music of the Iberian and Latin American Renaissance in Honor of Robert M. Stevenson, edited by Michael B. O’Connor and Walter Clark. Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon Press, 2012, pp. 3-28.

Notes on the Inventory
Inventory and description of AUS-Sfl Add.Ms. 327 (rear pastedown) completed by Kathleen Nelson (University of Sydney), 6 August 2024. Proofreading by Debra Lacoste, 15 August 2024.
Full Texts Entered by
Kathleen Nelson
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment