Browse Chants

Displaying 1-5 of 5 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
206v 16 Mihi*


Thomae Apost. MI In g00005 * Image
206v 17 In omnem terram*

In omnem terram*

Thomae Apost. MI Gr g00444 * Image
206v 18 Alleluia Nimis*

Alleluia Nimis*

Thomae Apost. MI Al g00473 * Image
206v 19 Constitues*


Thomae Apost. MI Of g00261 * Image
206v 20 Mitte manum tuam et cognosce

Mitte manum tuam et cognosce loca clavorum alleluia et noli esse incredulus sed fidelis alleluia alleluia

Thomae Apost. MI Cm g01052 6T Image
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