Ingressa Agnes*
- Folio
- 183v
- Sequence
- 5
List of concordances
For concordances, please consult the Cantus Index entry for Cantus ID 003337.
For concordances, please consult the Cantus Index entry for Cantus ID 003337.
1 | M V 01 | Specie tua et pulchritudine | 007452a |
2 | M R 3.3 | Mel et lac ex ejus ore | 007141 |
3 | M V 01 | Ostendit mihi thesauros | 007141b |
4 | M V 02 | Gloria* | 909000 |
5 | L A 1 | Ingressa Agnes turpitudinis | 003337 |
6 | L A 2 | Mecum enim habeo custodem | 003729 |
7 | L A 3 | Annulo suo subarrhavit me | 001426 |
8 | L A 4 | Benedico te* | 001703 |
1 | L A 5 | Congaudete mecum et | 001886 |
2 | L H | Jesu corona* | 008330 |
3 | L W | Elegit eam* | 008046 |
4 | L A B | Stat a dextris ejus agnus | 005019 |
5 | V2 A 1 | Ingressa Agnes* | 003337 |
6 | V2 A 4 | Christi virgo nec terrore | 001787 |
7 | V H | Martyr dei* | 008346 |
8 | V R | Agnosce o Vincenti* | 006064 |
9 | V W | Gloria et honore coronasti | 008081 |
10 | V A M | Sanctus vir Vincentius martyr | 004807 |
11 | V A R | Ecce quod cupivi jam video | 002539 |
1 | M I | Vincentem mundum adoremus | 001184 |
2 | M A 1.1 | Sanctus Vincentius a pueritia | 004804 |
3 | M A 1.2 | Sanctitate quoque insignis | 004759 |
4 | M A 1.3 | Valerius igitur episcopus et | 005314 |
5 | M R 1.1 | Sacram praesentis diei | 007558 |