Egregie doctor paule mores instrue
- Full text as in Source (standardized spelling)
Egregie doctor paule mores instrue et nostra tecum pectora in caelum trahe velate dum meridiem cernat fides et so[lis instar sola regnet charitas | Sit trinitati sempiterna gloria honor potestas atque jubilatio in unitate quae gubernat omnia per universa aeternitatis saecula | Amen]
- Full text as in Source (source spelling)
Egregie doctor paule mores instrue, et nostra tecum pectora in caelû trahe: velata dum meridiez cernat fides, et so...
- Indexing Notes
Fragmented chant. Rubric indicates that the same chant is used for both Vespers and Matins: "In conversione S. Pauli Apost. ad vespers et ad Matutinz. hyn~".
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