Locutus est ad me unus
- Folio
- 022v
- Sequence
- 1
- Full text as in Source (standardized spelling)
- Locutus est ad me unus ex septem angelis dicens veni ostendam tibi novam nuptam sponsam agni et vidi Jerusalem descendentem de caelo ornatam monilibus suis alleluia alleluia alleluia
- Full text as in Source (source spelling)
- Locutus est ad me unus ex septem angelis dicens veni ostendam tibi novam nuptam sponsam agni | Et vidi iherusalem descendentem de celo ornatam monilibus suis alleluya alleluya alleluya
- Indexing Notes
- Hec tria responsoria canuntur per duas ebdomadas tercia et sexta feriis (these three responsories should be sung for two weeks, on the third and sixth days). Complete feast prescription: Dom. 2 p. Pascha,8 and Dom. 3 p. Pascha,8.
- Image link
- https://lib.ugent.be/viewer/archive.ugent.be:082FD364-C35A-11DF-A9D6-99EF78F64438#?c=&m=&s=&cv=26&xywh=-97%2C-1%2C10848%2C7368
List of concordances
For concordances, please consult the Cantus Index entry for Cantus ID 007096.