List of Feasts | Cantus Database

List of Feasts

Displaying 501-523 of 523
Feast Name Description Date Feast Code
Sabbato Hebd. 2 Adv. Saturday, 2nd week, Advent 01027000
Sabbato Hebd. 3 Adv. Saturday, 3rd week, Advent 01037000
Sabbato Hebd. 4 Adv. Saturday, 4th week, Advent 01047000
Sabbato in Albis Easter Saturday 08017000
Sabbato in estate Saturdays in summer 10007000
Sabbato Pent. Pentecost Saturday 08087000
Sabbato per annum Saturdays, Ferial Office 04007000
Sabbato post Cineres Saturday after Ash Wednesday 06037000
Sabbato Q.T. Pent. Ember Day, Pentecost (Saturday) 08087009
Sabbato Q.T. Sept. Ember Day, September (Saturday) 11090709
Sabbato Sancto Holy Saturday 07067000
Sabbato TP Saturdays, Eastertide 08007000
Sacratissimi Cordis Jesu Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, on Friday after the second Sunday after Pentecost 09026010
Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph The Holy Family 05011020
Stephani Stephen the First Martyr Dec.26 02122600
Stephani,8 In week after Stephen 02122608
Tr. Christophori Moving of Christopher's relics 17002000
Transl. Simperti Moving of Simpert's relics 17003000
Unius in tribulatione Chants for one in tribulation 16026010
Vigilia Epiphaniae Eve of Epiphany Jan.5 02010500
Vigilia Epiphaniae Eve of Epiphany Jan.5 05010500
Vigilia Nat. Domini Christmas Eve Dec.24 02122400
Vigilia Pentecostes Eve of Pentecost 08077000
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