Benevento, Biblioteca capitolare, V 20

Cantus Siglum
I-BV V 20
Holding Institution
Benevento, Biblioteca capitolare (I-BV)
Pars aestiva (paired with I-BV V 19) of a liber typicus (combined breviary and missal) for non-monastic use. 12th century. From Benevento, Italy. Fully-diastematic Beneventan neumes oriented around a single dry-point line. Occasional quilismas. Several lacunae. 279 and 300 folios. Although these manuscripts include chants for the Mass as well as the Office, only the Office chants are listed in this index.
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. 1-142: Summer Temporale (incomplete). 1r, Easter Tuesday; 46r, Ascension; 56v, Pentecost; 75v, Summer Histories interspersed with Sundays after Pentecost (lacuna from middle of Kings to end of Job); 137v, Trinity.
Ff. 143-152: Music and Texts of Prayers. 143r, "Incipit ordo ad celebrandum missa"; 149r, Preface Dialogue; 149v, large illumination of a priest before a cross; 151r, Pater noster. Ff. 153-295: Summer Sanctorale (incomplete, through Cosmas and Damian). 153r, Commons for Paschal Saints; 165r, Finding of the Cross; 191v, John the Baptist; 249v, Transfiguration (lacuna in Matins); 250r, Laurence (beginning incomplete); 257v, Assumption; 265v, Bartholomew; 271v, Beheading of John the Baptist; 289r, Januarius and Companions; 291v, Matthew.


The two sources together do not present the complete cycle of either Temporale or Sanctorale. There are two significant lacunae in MS 20 (noted in the catalogue above). Most of the material from the first through the fourteenth Sundays after Pentecost has been lost in the first lacuna and, in the second, nearly all of the unusual Beneventan Office for Transfiguration (6 August) as well as anything between that date and the feast of St. Laurence (10 August). Except for these lacunae, the content of each manuscript is liturgically continuous. However, a significant portion of the annual cycle is missing due to the apparent loss of folios from the beginning and/or end of both manuscripts. The Temporale is complete as one passes from the end of MS 20 (the last Sunday after Pentecost) to the beginning of MS 19 (the first Sunday of Advent). However, the end of Lent, including the Triduum, Easter itself, and the beginning of Eastertide have been lost between the end of MS 19 (Tuesday in the fourth week of Lent) and the beginning of MS 20 (Tuesday after Easter). In the Sanctorale there are gaps between Annunciation (25 March, the end of MS 19) and Mark the Evangelist (25 April, the beginning of MS 20); and between Cosmas and Damian (27 September, the end of MS 20) and Nicholas (6 December, the beginning of MS 19). There are no chants for the Commons, the Dedication of a Church, or the Office for the Dead. It is not clear why the two volumes were bound in different orderings (Sanctorale then Temporale in MS 19 and the reverse in MS 20). This arrangement explains in part the sections of the calendar that were lost at the end of both manuscripts: a modest portion of the Temporale at the end of MS 19 and the larger section of the Sanctorale at the end of MS 20. Kelly has identified several Offices in each of these manuscripts which contain antiphons that are Beneventan or have cadences or other features that are Beneventan in character. These are shown in the facsimiles that appear in Paléographie musicale 21.

Selected Bibliography

  • Boe, John. Beneventanum Troporum Corpus II: Ordinary Chants and Tropes for the Mass from Southern Italy, A.D. 1000-1250, Part 3: Preface Chants and Sanctus. Recent Researches in the Music of the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance, 25. Madison, Wisconsin: A-R Editions, 1996. P. lxxx.
  • Kelly, Thomas Forrest. The Beneventan Chant. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Pl. 5, 6; p. 184.
  • Kelly, Thomas Forrest. Les temoins manuscrits du chant beneventain. Paléographie musicale, 21. Solesmes: Association Jean-Bougler, 1992. Pl. 5-31, pp. 334-37.

Notes on the Inventory
The index for I-BV V 20 was prepared by Keith Glaeske and Lila Collamore at the Catholic University of America.
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete source