Browse Chants

Displaying 1-9 of 9 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
102v 1 Praepollens Christi martyr

Nicasii V2 A M 203929 1
102v 2 Festina*

In tempore Adventus R R 006728 *
102v 3 O Thoma Didyme per Christum

Thomae Apost. V A M 004083 2
102v 4 O oriens*

In tempore Adventus R A 004050 *
102v 5 Festina*

In tempore Adventus R R 006728 *
102v 6 Juravit*

Thomae Apost. V2 A 1 003522 *
102v 7 Quia vidisti me Thoma

Thomae Apost. V2 A M 004513 8
102v 8 O rex gentium*

In tempore Adventus R A 004078 *
102v 9 Festina*

In tempore Adventus R R 006728 *
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