Cambridge, University Library, Mm.ii.9
- Cantus Siglum
- GB-Cu Mm.ii.9
- Holding Institution
- Cambridge, University Library (GB-Cu)
- Manuscript/Print
- Manuscript
- Summary
- Rubricated Sarum antiphoner, probably from St. Giles Abbey, an Augustinian house at Barnwell, England. From the second quarter of the thirteenth century. 34 x 24 cm. Square notation on four-line staff. Cathedral cursus. 567 pages. The beginning of the manuscript--perhaps the first four gatherings--is missing, as is a gathering containing the end of the Temporale and the beginning of the Commons (pp. 609-32).
- Liturgical Occasions
Pp. 101-342: Temporale. 101, Ferial Office; 127, Septuagesima; 148, Ash Wednesday; 215, Holy Thursday; 234, Easter; 277, Pentecost; 286, Trinity; 295, Histories; 332, Sundays after Pentecost.
Pp. 343-344: Hymns for Mary Magdalene.
Pp. 345-608: Sanctorale. 345, Andrew; 387, Conversion of Paul; 412, St. Peter's Chair; 448, Paul; 456, Translation of Thomas Becket; 456, Mary Magdalene; 480, Laurence; 501, Augustine; 536, Feast of Relics; 569, All Saints; 579, Office for the Dead; 597, Edmund.
Pp. 633-668: Commmon of Saints. - Description
Walter Howard Frere used Cambridge, Mm.ii.9 as the main source for his facsimile edition of the Sarum antiphoner. This MS lacks the first part of the Winter Temporale (from Advent to Epiphany), and Frere compensated for this by reproducing folios from several different sources, among them the Erlyngham Breviary. Our index, however, covers only the part of the year contained in the Barnwell Antiphoner. The pagination follows that of the facsimile edition. The numbering of differentiae follows Frere's, which is based on that in the Sarum Tonale (published by Frere in The Use of Sarum). In this Tonale, the tonus peregrinus is assigned to mode 8 differentia 5, and this numbering is followed in the index. Within each differentia, the compiler of the Tonale assigned each antiphon to a variatio, a group of antiphons that begin on the same note or with the same figure. Frere went further and assigned some antiphons within a variatio to a group (antiphons with similar melodies); most of these groups are discussed in the Introduction to Antiphonale Sarisburiense. Variatio is indicated by a number, group by a lower-case letter. (Indications of variatio and group are in additional fields not usually filled in Cantus inventories, but they are included in the printed version of the index of antiphons (see below).
It should be noted that the Office for the Translation of Thomas Becket listed above is incomplete, and is given in incipit only, without music. (Presumably it appeared in full in the part of the manuscript now lost.) The complete text for the Office may be found in Analecta hymnica, vol. 13, pp. 238-42, and an edition of the text and music appears in James Boyce, "Cantica Carmelitana: The Chants of the Carmelite Office," Ph.D. diss., City University of New York, 1984.
Whenever posssible, we have corrected mistakes that occurred in the typesetting of Frere's original index. Below are some notes for the computer file:Crux fidelis has two melodies: that on page 533 is mode 8, that on 535 is mode 6T.
Hodie gloriosus pater (page 512): the differentia is not quite 3.3 but is closer to that differentia than any other.
Illi homines (cao3177) is given two differentiae: on page 342, it is 1.5; on page 187, 1.6 (which corresponds to the tonary).
In tympano et choro (page 123) is mode 1.2 in the index, whereas the tonary gives 1.1.5 for it.
Nunc dimittis (page 404) is 7.3 in the index, while the tonary shows 7.1.1 (this seems to have been erased from the manuscript).
Per signum crucis (page 531) is assigned to mode 1.5.6, which corresponds to the tonary; but on page 304 the same melody has mode 1.1.
Petrus ad se reversus (cao4284) has two melodies: that on page 468 is mode 1.8; that on page 470 is 8.1.
Qualis est dilectus (page 491) is 7T.3 in the index, but 7T.2 in the tonary (this seems to have been erased from the manuscript).
Secus decursus aquarum is given two differentiae: on page 538, 4.1 (it appears as if 4.3 was written originally, and then erased); on page 642, 4.3.
Solve jubente deo (cao4981) has two melodies: on pages 412 and 464, mode 4.2; on page 470, mode 7.2. - Selected Bibliography
- Frere, Walter Howard ed. Antiphonale Sarisburiense. London: Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Society, 1901-24; reprint, Farnborough: Gregg Press Limited, 1966.
- Frere, Walter Howard. The Use of Sarum, II. The Ordinal and Tonale. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1901.
- Collamore, Lila. "An Index to the Antiphons of the Sarum Antiphoner Cambridge, University Library, Mm.ii.9." M.A. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1990.
- Collamore, Lila and Metzinger, Joseph P. eds. Frere's Index to the Antiphons of the Sarum Antiphoner. With an introduction by Ruth Steiner. London: Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Society, 1990.
- Hesbert, Rene-Jean. "The Sarum Antiphoner--Its Sources and Influence." Journal of the Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Society 3 (1980): 49-55.
- Notes on the Inventory
- The inventory for GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 was prepared by Lila Collamore, Joseph P. Metzinger, and Keith Glaeske at The Catholic University of America.
- Full/Partial Inventory
- Full Inventory
- Complete Source/Fragment
- Complete (or mostly complete)