Browse Chants

Displaying 1-10 of 10 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
413 1 Hic super excelse positus

Cathedra Petri M A 1.2 202184 2
413 2 Antiochena polis divini

Cathedra Petri M A 1.3 200325 3
413 3 Amavit eum dominus*

Cathedra Petri M W 1. 007941 *
413 4 Hujus amore deus servorum

Cathedra Petri M A 2.1 202279 4
413 5 Pande tuis caelos quos servas

Cathedra Petri M A 2.2 203754 5
413 6 Sidera scansurus terrisque

Cathedra Petri M A 2.3 204671 6
413 7 Justum deduxit dominus*

Cathedra Petri M W 2. 008115 *
413 8 Quodcumque ligaveris*

Cathedra Petri M R 2.1 007503 *
413 9 Qui regni claves et curam

Cathedra Petri M A 3.1 204134 7
413 10 Hic caeli terraeque Petro

Cathedra Petri M A 3.2 202140 8
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