Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-8 of 8 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
I-Far s.c. 011v 1 Deus Abraham deus Isaac deus

Thomae Apost. M A 3.2 002164 8
I-Far s.c. 011v 2 Quidquid bene rogaverint

Thomae Apost. M A 3.3 004539 8
I-Far s.c. 011v 3 Constitues*

Thomae Apost. M W 3. 007994 *
I-Far s.c. 011v 4 O quanta est gloriosa

Thomae Apost. M R 3. 601644 8
I-Far s.c. 011v 5 Hodie celebremus mellifluam

Thomae Apost. M V 01 601644a 8
I-Far s.c. 011v 6 Obsecro te apostole ut facias

Thomae Apost. L A 1 004100 8
I-Far s.c. 011v 7 Fabricavi turrem excelsam et

Thomae Apost. L A 2 002828 8
I-Far s.c. 011v 8 Tunc iratus rex jussit

Thomae Apost. L A 3 005244 8
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