Firenze (Florence), Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, Conv. sopp. 560

Cantus Siglum
I-Fl Conv. sopp. 560
Holding Institution
Firenze (Florence), Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana (I-Fl)
Late twelfth-century antiphoner from the monastery of Vallombrosa, Italy. Dry-point line with clef. Monastic cursus. 228 folios. Four lacunae; end of manuscript missing?
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. 1r-144r: Winter Temporale and Sanctorale. 1r-7v, First through Second Sundays of Advent; lacuna; 8r, Third Sunday of Advent; 20v, Christmas; 27r, Stephen; 43v, Ferial Office; 77v, Septuagesima; 85v-88v, Ash Wednesday to First Sunday of Lent; lacuna; 89r-106v, Second Sunday of Lent to Palm Sunday; lacuna; 107r, Good Friday; 111v, Easter; 132v, Ascension; 138r, Pentecost.
Ff. 144r-184v: Summer Sanctorale. 144r, John the Baptist; 152r, Paul; 156v-160v, Laurence to Assumption; lacuna; 161r, Beheading of John the Baptist; 169v, All Saints.
Ff. 184v-203v: Common of Saints. Ff. 204r-206v: Dedication of a Church. Ff. 206v-211v: Sundays after Pentecost. Ff. 212r-228v: Summer Histories.


The index follows the Arabic numerals written in the lower right margin as foliation.
Differentiae are assigned arbitrary numbers. Chants not found in CAO have been assigned arbitrary numbers prefixed by “val.”

Notes on the Inventory
The index for I-Fl Conv. sopp. 560 was prepared at The Catholic University of America by Keith Glaeske, Charles Downey, and Lila Collamore.
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete (or mostly complete)