Ljubljana, Nadškofijski arhiv (Archiepiscopal Archives), 18 (olim 17)

Cantus Siglum
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17)
Holding Institution
Ljubljana, Nadškofijski arhiv (Archiepiscopal Archives) (SI-Lna)
The explicit of this antiphoner indicates that it was copied in August 1491 by a certain Ioannes von Werd de Augusta (from Augsburg). Both manuscripts 18 and 19 were very probably commissioned by the parish church of Kranj (German: Krainburg) in the former Habsburg province of Carniola, now in Slovenia. They were a part of the medieval library of the parish church of Kranj and came to their present location during World War II. MS 18 is written in late Gothic notation; a diamond-shaped punctum is used for a single tone rather than a virga. The neumes are written on four-line, red staves. Secular cursus. 248 folios (fols. 8 and 9 are missing). 57.2 x 39.9 cm, principal writing space 45.2 x 28 cm. 12 lines on each side.
Liturgical Occasions

F. 1: Marian antiphons. Ff. 2r-141r: Temporale. 23v, Christmas; 29r, Stephan; 38v, Thomas; 48v, Epiphany; 55v, Ferial Office; 76v, Ash Wednesday; 105v, Palm Sunday; 112r, Maundy Thursday; 121v, Easter; 136v, Ascension.
Ff. 141v-195v: Sanctorale. 141v, Andrew; 145r, Barbara; 149v, Nicholas; 154r, Conception of Mary; 158r, Lucy; 160r, Fabian and Sebastian; 163v, Agnes; 167r, Conversion of Paul; 170r, Purification of Mary; 174r, Agatha; 177r, Peter’s Chair; 180v, Gregory; 184r, Hilary et al; 188r, Benedict; 192r Annunciation; 198r, Philip and James; 199v, Invention of the Cross; 202r, John at the Latin Gate; 202v, Michael; 205v, Cantius et al.
Ff. 210v-248v: Common of Saints. 234v, Offices for BMV; 245r, Memorials; 245v, Funeral Office.
F. 248v: “Finitum est opus presens gratia divina coadiuvante per ioannem von werd de Augusta sub anno a partu virginis Salutifero Millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimo primo in Octava victoriosissimi martyris Laurentii: qua tempestate scapha siliginis vendebatur pro quatuor aureis. tritici pro quinque. ordei pro tribus. avene pro duobus. pro quo laudibus continuis callaudetur trinitas almipotens.”


The following Offices are found in Analecta hymnica: Thomas of Canterbury, vol. 13, pp. 238-240; Conception of Mary, vol. 5, pp. 47-50; Helarus (Hilary) and Tatianus, vol. 45a, pp. 109-112; Benedict, vol. 25, pp.145-148; the Office for the BMV during the seasons of Easter and Pentecost, vol. 24, pp. 164- 166.

The manuscripts include prosulas.

The differentiae are assigned a letter-number combination (the letter indicates the final pitch of the differentiae, and the number is arbitrarily assigned). Invitatory tones are not presented in complete form in these manuscripts. Codes have been provided based on comparisons of the incipits with tones found complete in other sources.


Selected Bibliography

  • Golob, N. “Johannes von Werd de Augusta – ein fahrender Buchmaler?” Gotika v Sloveniji/Gotik in Slowenien (Ljubljana 1995): 397–402.
  • Snoj, J. “The Kranj Antiphonal: Introduction to Formal Analysis.” Bogoslovni vestnik/Ephemerides theologicae 52 (Ljubljana, 1992): 192-203. (In Slovenian with summary in English)
  • Snoj, J. “The Poetic Office for the Feast of the Cantii in the Antiphonary of Kranj.” Essays Presented to Joze Sivec (Ljubljana 2000): 43–64. (In Slovenian with summary in English.)

Notes on the Inventory
The index for SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) was prepared by Jurij Snoj (Institute of Musicology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) with editorial assistance from Debra Lacoste (University of Western Ontario).
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete (or mostly complete)