Browse Chants

Displaying 1-24 of 24 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
061r 1 Felices sancte apostole*

Felices sancte apostole*

Cathedra Petri M A 2.5 002859 4 Image
061r 2 Surge Petre*

Surge Petre*

Cathedra Petri M R 2.1 007731 7 Image
061r 3 Angelus*


Cathedra Petri M V 01 007731a 7 Image
061r 4 Solve jubente*

Solve jubente*

Cathedra Petri M R 2.3 007678 7 Image
061r 5 Quodcumque ligaveris*

Quodcumque ligaveris*

Cathedra Petri M V 01 007678a 7 Image
061r 6 De tuo principatu*

De tuo principatu*

Cathedra Petri M A 2.6 002124 1 Image
061r 7 Tu es pastor*

Tu es pastor*

Cathedra Petri M R 2.2 007787 8 Image
061r 8 Tibi enim*

Tibi enim*

Cathedra Petri M V 01 007787b 8 Image
061r 9 Ego pro te rogavi*

Ego pro te rogavi*

Cathedra Petri M R 2.4 006630 4 Image
061r 10 Simon ecce

Simon ecce

Cathedra Petri M V 01 006630b 4 Image
061r 11 Beatissimus Petrus electus dei apostolus

Beatissimus Petrus electus dei apostolus cui dominus tantam gratiam donavit ut claves regni caelorum traderet ei ipse sit pro nobis perpetuus intercessor

Cathedra Petri M A 3. 001606 1 Image
061r 12 Quem dicunt homines*

Quem dicunt homines*

Cathedra Petri M R 3.1 007467 1 Image
061r 13 Beatus es Simon*

Beatus es Simon*

Cathedra Petri M V 01 007467a 1 Image
061r 14 Beatus es Simon*

Beatus es Simon*

Cathedra Petri M R 3.3 006206 6 Image
061r 15 Et ego dico*

Et ego dico*

Cathedra Petri M V 01 006206a 6 Image
061r 16 Qui regni claves*

Qui regni claves*

Cathedra Petri M R 3.2 007483 7 Image
061r 17 Ipse per hunc*

Ipse per hunc*

Cathedra Petri M V 01 007483b 7 Image
061r 18 Cornelius centurio*

Cornelius centurio*

Cathedra Petri M R 3.4 006340 1 Image
061r 19 Cum orasset Cornelius*

Cum orasset Cornelius*

Cathedra Petri M V 01 006340a 1S Image
061r 20 Facere quo duce scandere ad

Facere quo duce scandere ad summum quisque meretur ovile | Lumine divinae nos infundat gratiae | Qui pie te Petre hoc ditavit munere | Jam prece depelle prava vitae | Dulcique inesse fac patriae | Catervae tuae nunc miserere semper et ubique

Cathedra Petri M Psl 006340Pza 1 Image
061r 21 Te deum laudamus*

Te deum laudamus*

Cathedra Petri M 909010 Image
061r 22 Ad speciosa limina templi venerabilis

Ad speciosa limina templi venerabilis toto gressu dissolutus mendicabat debilis et Petrus oratum ibat deo exaudibilis

Cathedra Petri L A 1 200105 1 Image
061r 23 Videns claudus transeuntem principem apostolum

Videns claudus transeuntem principem apostolum stipem postulat ab eo didragma vel obolum vel aliquod larga manu caritatis symbolum

Cathedra Petri L A 2 205176 2 Image
061r 24 Petrus ait liberalis accipe quod

Petrus ait liberalis accipe quod habeo aurum vero vel argentum nec do nec possideo in nomine Jesu Christi surge vade jubeo

Cathedra Petri L A 3 203835 3 Image
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