Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, NAL 1535

Cantus Siglum
F-Pn NAL 1535
Holding Institution
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale (F-Pn)
Early thirteenth-century antiphoner from the Cathedral of Sens, France. Cathedral cursus. 129 folios. Eight lacunae; incomplete at the end. (olim F-Pnm NAL 1535, F-Pn 1535, F-Pn nouv. acq. lat. 1535)
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. 2r-68v: Winter and Summer Temporale. 2r-6v, Andrew to First Sunday of Advent; lacuna; 7r-26v, First Sunday of Advent to John (18v, Christmas; 21r, Liber generationis; 23r, Stephen); lacuna; 27r-28v, John, Holy Innocents; lacuna; 29r, Epiphany; 29v-35r, Ferial Office; 36v, Septuagesima; 42r-60v, Ash Wednesday to Maundy Thursday; lacuna; 61r, Pentecost Monday; 62v-64v, Summer Histories (Book of Kings only); 64v-68r, Sundays after Pentecost; 68, Trinity; lacuna.
Ff. 69r-122r: Summer Sanctorale. 69r, Common of Several Martyrs; 69v-84v, Fabian and Sebastian to Gregory; lacuna; 85r-92v, John the Baptist to Mary Magdalene; lacuna; 93r-107v, Vigil of Assumption to Maurice (99v-102v, Lupus); lacuna; 108r-122r, Michael to Clement (110, Germanus; 110v, Denis; 113r, All Saints).
Ff. 122r-123v, Common of Apostles; lacuna; 124r-126v, Common of a Confessor, Common of Virgins; 126r-129r, Paula; ends with the Office for the Dead.


This antiphoner has several interesting features. The first is the tone for the Liber generationis (21r), near the end of Christmas Matins (cf. Cambrai XVI C 4, 11r). There are three prosulae for the "Fabricae mundi" melismas (19v) and also a prosula for the responsory "Sancta et immaculata" (20v)--all to be performed during Christmas Matins. The Offices for Lupus (ff. 99v-102v) and Paula (ff. 126r-129r) contain responsories that have particularly long melismas. (For a fuller discussion of the melodies of these responsories, please see Steiner, "Some Melismas", see Bibliography).

Selected Bibliography

Notes on the Inventory
The inventory for F-Pn NAL 1535 was prepared by Charles Downey, Keith Glaeske, and Lila Collamore at The Catholic University of America.
Other Editors
Debra Lacoste
Full Texts Entered by
Debra Lacoste
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Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
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