Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, NAL 1535
- Cantus Siglum
- F-Pn NAL 1535
- Holding Institution
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale (F-Pn)
- Manuscript/Print
- Manuscript
- Summary
- Early thirteenth-century antiphoner from the Cathedral of Sens, France. Cathedral cursus. 129 folios. Eight lacunae; incomplete at the end. (olim F-Pnm NAL 1535, F-Pn 1535, F-Pn nouv. acq. lat. 1535)
- Liturgical Occasions
Ff. 2r-68v: Winter and Summer Temporale. 2r-6v, Andrew to First Sunday of Advent; lacuna; 7r-26v, First Sunday of Advent to John (18v, Christmas; 21r, Liber generationis; 23r, Stephen); lacuna; 27r-28v, John, Holy Innocents; lacuna; 29r, Epiphany; 29v-35r, Ferial Office; 36v, Septuagesima; 42r-60v, Ash Wednesday to Maundy Thursday; lacuna; 61r, Pentecost Monday; 62v-64v, Summer Histories (Book of Kings only); 64v-68r, Sundays after Pentecost; 68, Trinity; lacuna.
Ff. 69r-122r: Summer Sanctorale. 69r, Common of Several Martyrs; 69v-84v, Fabian and Sebastian to Gregory; lacuna; 85r-92v, John the Baptist to Mary Magdalene; lacuna; 93r-107v, Vigil of Assumption to Maurice (99v-102v, Lupus); lacuna; 108r-122r, Michael to Clement (110, Germanus; 110v, Denis; 113r, All Saints).
Ff. 122r-123v, Common of Apostles; lacuna; 124r-126v, Common of a Confessor, Common of Virgins; 126r-129r, Paula; ends with the Office for the Dead. - Description
This antiphoner has several interesting features. The first is the tone for the Liber generationis (21r), near the end of Christmas Matins (cf. Cambrai XVI C 4, 11r). There are three prosulae for the "Fabricae mundi" melismas (19v) and also a prosula for the responsory "Sancta et immaculata" (20v)--all to be performed during Christmas Matins. The Offices for Lupus (ff. 99v-102v) and Paula (ff. 126r-129r) contain responsories that have particularly long melismas. (For a fuller discussion of the melodies of these responsories, please see Steiner, "Some Melismas", see Bibliography).
- Selected Bibliography
- Bibliothèque nationale de France. Catalogue record:
- Steiner, Ruth. "Some Melismas for Office Responsories." Journal of the American Musicological Society 26 (1973): 108-131.
- Notes on the Inventory
- The inventory for F-Pn NAL 1535 was prepared by Charles Downey, Keith Glaeske, and Lila Collamore at The Catholic University of America.
- Other Editors
Debra Lacoste
- Full Texts Entered by
Debra Lacoste
- Full/Partial Inventory
- Full Inventory
- Complete Source/Fragment
- Complete (or mostly complete)