Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-14 of 14 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 1 Omnes sitientes venite ad

Dom. 1 Adventus L A 4 004133 7 Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 2 Ecce veniet propheta magnus

Dom. 1 Adventus L A 5 002552 4T Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 3 Emitte agnum domine*

Dom. 1 Adventus L W 008051 r Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 4 Spiritus sanctus in te

Dom. 1 Adventus L A B 005006 8 Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 5 Veni ad liberandum nos domine

Dom. 1 Adventus T R 007823 r Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 6 Ostende faciem tuam et salvi

Dom. 1 Adventus T V 01 007823a r Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 7 Gloria patri et filio et*

Dom. 1 Adventus T V 02 909000 r Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 8 Timebunt gentes*

Dom. 1 Adventus T W 008221 * Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 9 Missus est angelus Gabriel a

Dom. 1 Adventus X A P 003792 8 Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 10 Ostende nobis domine

Dom. 1 Adventus S R 007343 r Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 11 Et salutare tuum da nobis

Dom. 1 Adventus S V 01 007343a r Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 12 Gloria patri*

Dom. 1 Adventus S V 02 909000 r Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 13 Super te Jerusalem

Dom. 1 Adventus S W 008210 r Image
F-Pn NAL 1535 007v 14 Super te Jerusalem orietur

Dom. 1 Adventus N R 007728 r Image
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