Browse Chants

Displaying 1-11 of 11 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
402r 3 Haec est virgo sapiens*

Transl. Justinae V A 003006 1
402r 4 Beata es quae propter*

Transl. Justinae V R 006164 8
402r 5 Dilexisti*

Transl. Justinae V V 01 006164b 8S
402r 6 Specie tua et*

Transl. Justinae V W 008201 *
402r 7 Simile erit regnum*

Transl. Justinae V A M 004956 1
402r 8 In honore beatissimae Justi-

Transl. Justinae M I 001086 4
402r 9 Vidi speciosam*

Transl. Justinae V2 A 005407 3
402r 10 Veni electa*

Transl. Justinae V2 R 007826 2
402r 11 Specie tua*

Transl. Justinae V2 V 01 007826a 2
402r 12 Specie tua et pulchritudine*

Transl. Justinae V2 W 008201 *
402r 13 Simile est regnum caelorum*

Transl. Justinae V2 A M 004953 4
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