Browse Chants

Displaying 1-12 of 12 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
365v 1 Posuisti domine super caput

Stephani V W 008170 r
365v 2 Et ejicientes eum extra

Stephani V A M 201631 1
365v 3 Christum natum qui beatum

Stephani M I 001048 4
365v 4 Positis genibus beatus

Stephani M A 1.1 004320 1
365v 5 Ejicientes eum extra

Stephani M A 1.2 002622 8
365v 6 Impii super justum jacturam

Stephani M A 1.3 003196 8
365v 7 Posuisti domine*

Stephani M W 1. 008170 *
365v 8 Stephanus autem plenus gratia

Stephani M R 1.1 007702 3
365v 9 Surrexerunt quidam de

Stephani M V 01 007702b 3
365v 10 Videbant omnes Stephanum qui

Stephani M R 1.2 007852 4
365v 11 Plenus gratia et fortitudine

Stephani M V 01 007852b 4
365v 12 Intuens in caelum beatus

Stephani M R 1.3 006984 4
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