Browse Chants

Displaying 1-17 of 17 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
055v 1 Lux de luce apparuisti

Epiphania P A 003649 8
055v 2 Omnes de Saba*

Epiphania T W 008159 *
055v 3 Vidimus stellam*

Epiphania S W 008243 *
055v 4 Ab oriente*

Epiphania N W 007929 *
055v 5 Tecum principium*

Epiphania V2 A 1 005127 *
055v 6 Surge illuminare*

Epiphania V2 R 007729 *
055v 7 Reges Tharsis*

Epiphania V2 W 008180 *
055v 8 Orietur stella ex Jacob et

Epiphania V2 A M 203739 8
055v 9 Flos illa de radice Jesse

Epiphania V2 AV 01 203739a 8
055v 10 Reges Tharsis*

Epiphania,8 M R 1 007523 *
055v 11 Omnes de Saba*

Epiphania,8 M R 2 007314 *
055v 12 In columbae specie*

Epiphania,8 M R 3 006892 *
055v 13 Venient ad te qui detrahebant

Epiphania,8 E A 1 005331 8
055v 14 Illuxit nobis dies

Epiphania,8 E A 2 003188 8
055v 15 Caeli aperti sunt super eum

Epiphania,8 E A 3 001835 8
055v 16 Vox de caelo sonuit et

Epiphania,8 E A 4 005507 4
055v 17 Admoniti magi in somnis ab

Epiphania,8 E A 5 001284 1
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