Browse Chants

Displaying 1-13 of 13 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
176v 1 Apparuerunt*

Dom. Pentecostes V R 006110 7
176v 2 Spiritus domini replevit*

Dom. Pentecostes V W 008204 r
176v 3 Non vos relinquam orphanos

Dom. Pentecostes V A M 003941 2
176v 4 Advenit*

Dom. Pentecostes R R P 006053 *
176v 5 Repleti sunt*

Dom. Pentecostes R W P 008182 *
176v 6 Alleluia spiritus domini

Dom. Pentecostes M I 001034 5
176v 7 Factus est repente de caelo

Dom. Pentecostes M A 1. 002847 8
176v 8 Confirma hoc*

Dom. Pentecostes M W 1. 007990 *
176v 9 Dum complerentur dies

Dom. Pentecostes M R 1.1 006536 3
176v 10 Dum ergo essent discipuli in

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 006536b *
176v 11 Dum ergo essent discipuli in

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 006536b *
176v 12 Repleti sunt omnes spiritu

Dom. Pentecostes M V 02 006536a 3
176v 13 Spiritus sanctus replevit

Dom. Pentecostes M R 1.2 007694 7
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