Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-16 of 16 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
F-VAL 114 116v 1 Beata Agatha*

Agathae V R P 006160 1T
F-VAL 114 116v 2 Ego autem*

Agathae L R P 006625 4
F-VAL 114 116v 3 Virgines*

Agathae M I 100294 4
F-VAL 114 116v 4 Mens mea solidata est et

Agathae M A 1.1 003744 5
F-VAL 114 116v 5 Ingenua sum et exspectabilis

Agathae M A 1.2 003333 7
F-VAL 114 116v 6 Et si ingenua es cur

Agathae M A 1.3 002723 8
F-VAL 114 116v 7 Ancilla Christi sum ideo me

Agathae M A 1.4 001393 2
F-VAL 114 116v 8 Summa ingenuitas ista est in

Agathae M A 1.5 005053 8
F-VAL 114 116v 9 Laeva ejus*

Agathae M A 1.6 003574 4T
F-VAL 114 116v 10 Agatha laetissime et

Agathae M R 1.1 006061 2
F-VAL 114 116v 11 Nobilissimis orta natalibus

Agathae M V 01 006061b 2
F-VAL 114 116v 12 Dum ingrederetur beata Agatha

Agathae M R 1.2 006546 7
F-VAL 114 116v 13 Ego habeo mamillas integras

Agathae M V 01 006546a 7
F-VAL 114 116v 14 Quis es tu qui venisti ad me

Agathae M R 1.3 007499 8
F-VAL 114 116v 15 Nam et ego apostolus ejus sum

Agathae M V 01 007499b 8
F-VAL 114 116v 16 Ego autem adjuvata a domino

Agathae M R 1.4 006625 4
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