Browse Chants

Displaying 1-66 of 66 chants
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
219v 10 Post gloriam salutiferae

Thomae Apost. V A 1 203884 1 Image
219v 11 Alta dispensatione actum hoc

Thomae Apost. V A 2 200237 2 Image
219v 12 Dicunt Thomae discipuli se

Thomae Apost. V A 3 201226 3 Image
219v 13 Nisi videro et tetigero non

Thomae Apost. V A 4 203258 4 Image
220r 1 Dubitans ergo nobis dubitavit

Thomae Apost. V A 5 201398 5 Image
220r 2 Adest beati Thomae apostoli

Thomae Apost. V R 600044 1 Image
220r 3 Devoti igitur et jucundi

Thomae Apost. V V 01 600044a 1S Image
220r 4 Gloria patri et filio et

Thomae Apost. V V 02 909000 1S Image
220r 5 O Thoma Christi*

Thomae Apost. V H 008262b * Image
220r 6 In omnem terram exivit*

Thomae Apost. V W 008097 * Image
220r 7 O Thoma Didyme per Christum

Thomae Apost. V A M 004083 2 Image
220v 1 O vitis vitae bone palmes

Thomae Apost. C A N 203615 4 Image
220v 2 Adoremus Christum qui Thomam

Thomae Apost. M I 100006 2 Image
220v 3 O Thoma Christi*

Thomae Apost. M H 008262b * Image
220v 4 Misit dominus Thomam

Thomae Apost. M A 1.1 203139 1 Image
220v 5 Abbanes tunc temporis erat

Thomae Apost. M A 1.2 200041 2 Image
220v 6 Huic apparens in forma

Thomae Apost. M A 1.3 202274 3 Image
220v 7 In omnem terram exivit sonus*

Thomae Apost. M W 1. 008097 * Image
221r 1 Beati Thomae apostoli festum

Thomae Apost. M R 1.1 600208 1 Image
221r 2 Ut interveniat pro delictis

Thomae Apost. M V 01 600208a 1S Image
221r 3 Ingressus sanctus Thomas

Thomae Apost. M R 1.2 601194 2 Image
221r 4 Signis variis coruscans et

Thomae Apost. M V 01 601194a 2S Image
221r 5 Aegros curat caecos illuminat

Thomae Apost. M R 1.3 600060 3 Image
221r 6 Lumine doctrinae caelestis

Thomae Apost. M V 01 600060a 3S Image
221r 7 Gloria patri et filio et

Thomae Apost. M V 02 909000 3S Image
221v 1 Conscensis navibus advecti

Thomae Apost. M A 2.1 200873 4 Image
221v 2 Quibus omnes interesse vel

Thomae Apost. M A 2.2 204150 5 Image
221v 3 Orat lingua sanctus Thomas

Thomae Apost. M A 2.3 203717 6T Image
221v 4 Constitues eos principes*

Thomae Apost. M W 2. 007994 * Image
221v 5 Aulam mirae structurae

Thomae Apost. M R 2.1 600174 4 Image
221v 6 De lapidibus vivis et gemmis

Thomae Apost. M V 01 600174a 4S Image
221v 7 Non fundamentum mobile jacit

Thomae Apost. M R 2.2 601502 5 Image
222r 1 Sed opus mirabile durabile

Thomae Apost. M V 01 601502a 5S Image
222r 2 Fundamentum ponit Christum

Thomae Apost. M R 2.3 600929 6T Image
222r 3 Ubi nec fur fodit nec

Thomae Apost. M V 01 600929a 6S Image
222r 4 Gloria patri et filio et

Thomae Apost. M V 02 909000 6S Image
222r 5 Immissus a deo ad fontem

Thomae Apost. M A 3.1 202362 7 Image
222r 6 Horrendo prodigio stupidis in

Thomae Apost. M A 3.2 202258 8 Image
222r 7 Nuptiali vinctos foedere a

Thomae Apost. M A 3.3 203349 1 Image
222v 1 Nimis honorati sunt*

Thomae Apost. M W 3. 008148 * Image
222v 2 Aulae fabricatae in caelis

Thomae Apost. M R 3.1 600173 7 Image
222v 3 Et mox ut pax vobis

Thomae Apost. M V 01 600173a 7S Image
222v 4 Sancti Thomae jussu apostoli

Thomae Apost. M R 3.2 602118 8 Image
222v 5 Sicut cera liquefacta fuit a

Thomae Apost. M V 01 602118a 8S Image
222v 6 Ferreis lancibus ignitis

Thomae Apost. M R 3.3 600877 1 Image
223r 1 Adjutus divinitus adustionem

Thomae Apost. M V 01 600877a 1S Image
223r 2 Gloria patri et filio et

Thomae Apost. M V 02 909000 1S Image
223r 3 Rex pater intumuit sed ut

Thomae Apost. L A 1 204300 2 Image
223r 4 Regi cum fratre fit aula

Thomae Apost. L A 2 204237 3 Image
223r 5 Obsessas expulso curat

Thomae Apost. L A 3 203622 4 Image
223r 6 Jussu Thomae daemon apostoli

Thomae Apost. L A 4 202796 5 Image
223r 7 Mygdonia cum Trepsea virum

Thomae Apost. L A 5 203202 6 Image
223v 1 Salva redemptor*

Thomae Apost. L H 008264a * Image
223v 2 Dedisti hereditatem

Thomae Apost. L W 008007 * Image
223v 3 Sanctus Thomas restituit

Thomae Apost. L A B 204536 7 Image
223v 4 Juravit dominus*

Thomae Apost. V2 A 1 003522 * Image
223v 5 Sancte Thoma Christi apostole

Thomae Apost. V2 R 602075 1 Image
223v 6 Intercede pro nobis ad

Thomae Apost. V2 V 01 602075a 1S Image
223v 7 Gloria patri et filio et

Thomae Apost. V2 V 02 909000 1S Image
223v 8 O Thoma Christi*

Thomae Apost. V2 H 008262b * Image
223v 9 Dedisti hereditatem

Thomae Apost. V2 W 008007 * Image
223v 10 O Thoma apostole

Thomae Apost. V2 A M 203592 2 Image
224r 1 Ipse salutis nostrae ante

Thomae Apost. C A 202647 8 Image
224r 4 Fuerunt sine querela*

Thomae Apost. V R 006748 * Image
316v 4 Fructus floris virginei

Thomae Apost. X H 830127 * Image
324v 3 O Thoma Christi perlustrator

Thomae Apost. X H 008262b * Image
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