Browse Chants

Displaying 1-31 of 31 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
141v 1 Exsultent caelum*

Vincula Petri M H 008301 * Image
141v 2 Petrus et Joannes*

Vincula Petri M A 1.1 004287 * Image
141v 3 In omnem terram*

Vincula Petri M W 1. 008097 * Image
141v 4 Simon Petre*

Vincula Petri M R 1.1 007674 * Image
141v 5 Tu es Petrus*

Vincula Petri M R 1.2 007788 * Image
141v 6 In nomine Jesu*

Vincula Petri M A 2.1 003260 * Image
141v 7 Constitues eos principes*

Vincula Petri M W 2. 007994 * Image
141v 8 Surge Petre et indue te*

Vincula Petri M R 2.1 007731 * Image
141v 9 Tu es pastor ovium princeps*

Vincula Petri M R 2.2 007787 * Image
141v 10 Solve jubente deo terrarum

Vincula Petri M R 2.3 007678 7 Image
141v 11 Quodcumque ligaveris super

Vincula Petri M V 01 007678a 7 Image
141v 12 Petrus autem servabatur*

Vincula Petri M A 3.1 004286 * Image
141v 13 Nimis honorati sunt*

Vincula Petri M W 3. 008148 * Image
141v 14 Quem dicunt homines*

Vincula Petri M R 3.1 007467 * Image
141v 15 Ego pro te rogavi*

Vincula Petri M R 3.2 006630 * Image
141v 16 Petre amas me*

Vincula Petri M R 3.3 007382 * Image
141v 17 Petre amas me*

Vincula Petri L A 1 004281 * Image
141v 18 Jam bone pastor*

Jam bone pastor*

Vincula Petri L H 008268:03 * Image
141v 19 Dedisti hereditatem

Vincula Petri L W 008007 * Image
141v 20 Quem dicunt homines*

Vincula Petri L A 1B 004454 * Image
141v 21 Quodcumque ligaveris*

Vincula Petri L A 2B 004561 * Image
141v 22 Juravit dominus*

Vincula Petri V2 A 1 003522 * Image
141v 23 Jam bone pastor*

Jam bone pastor*

Vincula Petri V2 H 008268:03 * Image
141v 24 Dedisti hereditatem

Vincula Petri V2 W 008007 * Image
141v 25 Quodcumque ligaveris super*

Vincula Petri V2 A 1M 004561 * Image
141v 26 Simon Bar Jona*

Vincula Petri V2 A 2M 004958 * Image
141v 27 Dum inventum esset*

Inventio Stephani V A 002459 * Image
141v 28 Sanctus Joannes episcopus*

Inventio Stephani V R 007613 * Image
141v 29 Sancte dei pretiose*

Inventio Stephani V H 830309 * Image
141v 30 Gloria et honore coronasti*

Inventio Stephani V W 008081 * Image
141v 31 Ostendit sanctus Gamaliel per

Inventio Stephani V A M 004202 4 Image
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