Browse Chants

Displaying 1-7 of 7 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
220r 1 Dubitans ergo nobis dubitavit

Thomae Apost. V A 5 201398 5 Image
220r 2 Adest beati Thomae apostoli

Thomae Apost. V R 600044 1 Image
220r 3 Devoti igitur et jucundi

Thomae Apost. V V 01 600044a 1S Image
220r 4 Gloria patri et filio et

Thomae Apost. V V 02 909000 1S Image
220r 5 O Thoma Christi*

Thomae Apost. V H 008262b * Image
220r 6 In omnem terram exivit*

Thomae Apost. V W 008097 * Image
220r 7 O Thoma Didyme per Christum

Thomae Apost. V A M 004083 2 Image
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