Wien, Diözesanarchiv, D-4

Cantus Siglum
A-Wda D-4
Holding Institution
Wien, Diözesanarchiv (A-Wda)
Antiphoner (Vesperale, totius anni). 320 x 215 mm. 326 numbered folios plus two added half leaves, ff. 248a and 323a (numbered in the index as 248w, x and 323w, x respectively). Folio I and the folios between 59/60 and 120/121 have been torn away.
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. Ir-2v: Added leaves. lacuna; 1r-2v, Compline responsories for Lent.
Ff. 3r-106v: Temporale. 3r, First Sunday of Advent; 6v-8v, “O” Antiphons; 9r, Christmas; 17v, Stephen; 27r, Epiphany; 32r, Septuagesima, 35v, First Sunday in Lent; 45r, Maundy Thursday; 59r, Easter; lacuna; 69r, Ascension; 73v, Pentecost; 77v, Trinity; 79v, Corpus Christi*; 86v-94v, Histories; 94v-107r, Gospel antiphons.
Ff. 107r-113v: Dedication of a Church. Ff. 113v-117r: miscellaneous added antiphons.
Ff. 117v-120v: Exsultet. lacuna. F. 121r: added responsory for Commons. Ff. 122r-134r: Invitatory Tones. F. 134v: added antiphons for Lent and Ursula. Ff. 135r-141v: Lamentations. Ff. 142rv: added leaf with various Sanctorale antiphons.
Ff. 143r-182r: Winter Sanctorale. 143r, Andrew; 144v, Barbara*; 147r, Nicholas; 148v, Conception of Mary*; 154v, Lucy; 156v, Thomas Becket*; 158r, Anthony*; 159v, Fabian and Sebastian; 160v, Agnes; 161v, Conversion of Paul; 162r, Purification of Mary; 167v, Blaise; 169r, Agatha; 170r, Dorothy*; 172v, Kunegunde*; 174r, Gregory*; 176r, Annunciation of Mary*.
Ff. 182r-190r: Eastertide Sanctorale. 182r, Ambrose; 183r, Tiburtius and Valerian; 184v, Philip and James; 185v, Finding of the Holy Cross; 187r, Godehard*; 189r, Servatius*.
Ff. 190r-296r: Summer Sanctorale. 190r, Erasmus*; 192r, Acacius*; 197v, John the Baptist; 202v, John and Paul; 204r, Peter and Paul*; 210v, Paul; 212v, Visitation of Mary*; 215v, Kilian; 217v, Margaret*; 219v, Mary Magdalene*; 222r, James*; 223v, Anna*; 225v, Finding of Stephen*; 228r, Mary of the Snows*; 230r, Afra*; 223r, Laurence; 235v, Hippolytus; 237v, Assumption of Mary; 243v, Bartholomew*; 245v, Augustine*; 248v, Beheading of John the Baptist; 250r, Aegidius (Giles)*; 253r, Nativity of Mary*; 258v, Exaltation of Cross; 260v, Maurice; 262r, Rupert; 264r, Michael; 266v, Hedwigis*; 272r, Ursula*; 273r, All Saints; 276v, Eustace*; 279r-280v, added leaves with chants for the 11,000 Virgins and various saints; 281r, Martin; 283r, Brice; 284r, Elizabeth*; 286r, Presentation of Mary*; 288r, Cecilia; 289v, Clement; 290v, Catherine*; 295v-296r, memorial chants for Mary. Ff. 296v-297v: Te Deum. Ff. 297v-304v: added chants (299rv, added leaf).
Ff. 305r-315r: Common of saints. F. 315v: Incipits of various memorial chants.
Ff. 316r-325v: Addenda. 316r-321r, Compline, Matins, Lauds and the Day Hours for the 1st Sunday and Benedictus Antiphons for the 1st week of Advent; 321v, Matins of Epiphany; 322r-323v, various added antiphons; 323x-325v, added leaves with chants for Coloman*, Gall etc.


These late-fifteenth- or early-sixteenth-century manuscripts are from the Vienna Dompropstei Kirnberg an der Mank, in lower Austria.  In 1981, the library was moved to the Diocesan Archive in Vienna, and has been accessible there since 1992.  Together these sources form a three-volume antiphoner that preserves the complete Office as it was practiced most probably at the former collegiate chapter of St. Pancras in Kirnberg.  This chapter was founded in 1483 and incorporated in 1613 into St. Stephen’s of Vienna, under Melchior Klesl.

C-11 and C-10 contain the Matins and Lauds for winter and summer respectively, while D-4 records mainly the Vespers Offices for the entire liturgical year.  Although C-11 is arranged in liturgical order, the sanctorale in C-10 is not; moreover, many saints' Offices in C-10 are split: after the chants for Matins, a cue indicates where the antiphons for Lauds may be found later in the manuscript.  In addition to the repeated Common of Saints in C-11 and C-10 and some other overlaps, there are numerous cross-references between the volumes.  [See the Addendum field for indications of these overlaps for chants which are not included in CAO.]  There are eleven lines on each side of Laon-Gothic notation on four-line staves with F and C clefs.  The liturgy follows the diocesan Office of Passau.

Owing to their late date, C-11, C-10 and D-4 contain many Offices not surveyed in CAO.  Some of these are edited in Analecta hymnica:  the Holy Lance (vol. 5, pp. 35-6); Dorothy (vol. 5, pp.163-5); Kunegunde (vol. 26, pp. 224-7); Servatius (vol. 5, pp. 214-6); Acacius (vol. 5, pp. 91-3); Visitation (vol. 24, pp. 89-91); Margaret (vol. 28, pp. 17-20); James (vol. 26, pp. 124-6); Anna (vol. 5, pp. 110-2); Aegidius (vol. 25, pp. 22-4); Jerome (vol. 26, pp. 105-7); Francis of Assisi (vol. 5, pp. 175-9); Coloman (vol. 13, pp. 95-8); Hedwig (vol. 26, pp. 79-83); Martha (vol. 28, pp. 45-7); Ursula (vol. 5, pp. 238-41); Elizabeth (vol. 25, pp. 253-8); Presentation (vol. 24, pp. 76-80); Catherine (vol. 26, pp. 197-204); Barbara (vol. 25, pp. 116-21); Conception (vol. 5, pp. 47-50); Judocus (vol. 26, pp. 142-6) and Thomas Becket (vol. 13, pp. 238-42).

The dates for several of the liturgical occasions in the Kirnberg manuscripts are known to have differed from the standard dates in the CANTUS table of liturgical occasions owing to local traditions within the Diocese of Passau.  Although the "liturgical occasion codes" have been entered into the indices in order that searches or comparisons on that field will return the appropriate data, the local feast dates are provided here:

Severinus - Jan. 4 (not Jan. 5)
Godehard - May 4 (not May 5)
Hedwig - Oct. 15 (not Oct. 16)
Martha - Oct. 17 (not July 29)
Margaret - July 12 (not July 20)
Transfiguration - Aug. 26 (not Aug. 6)

Musical items of note include:

  • the prosulae "Missus ab arce veniebat/Gloria pie trinitati" and "Quem aethera et terra" for the Christmas responsories "Descendit de caelis" and "Verbum caro factum est" respectively (C-11, D-4) and "Omnibus firmiter credentibus" for the Corpus Christi responsory "Homo quidam fecit cenam" (D-4);
  • tones for the Exsultet, Invitatories, Lamentations and the Te Deum (D-4);
  • Mass chants for the Holy Lance with the sequence "Hodierne festum lucis" (Analecta hymnica vol. 54, pp. 211-2), Mary of the Snows, and the sequence "In Wolfgangi canamus" (Analecta hymnica vol. 55, pp. 387-8) for the Translation of Wolfgang (C-10);
  • the Vespers Hymn "Florem mirificum" (Analecta hymnica vol. 4, pp. 261-2) for Wolfgang (C-10).

Differentiae are identified by a combination of letters and numbers: the letter indicates the final note of the differentia, and the number is assigned to distinguish between differentiae with the same final within each mode; the same system identifies differentiae in all three indices.  Chants overlapped between the sources have been cross-referenced by adding "C-11", "C-10", and/or "D-4" in the "Addendum" field.

Selected Bibliography

  • Kam, Lap Kwan.  "Codex Kirnberg C-11 des Diözesanarchivs Wien: Ein Passauisches Antiphonar (Winterteil) aus dem 15. Jahrhundert mit angefuehrtem CANTUS-Index."  M. Phil. thesis, University of Vienna, 1996.
  • Lackner, Franz, in collaboration with Alois Haidinger.  Katalog der Streubestände in Wien und Niederösterreich.  Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters, series 2, vol. 5/1.  Vienna: Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, in press.
  • Weissensteiner, Johann.  "Wien 50: Kirnberger Bibliothek der Wiener Dompropstei."  In Handbuch der historischen Buchbestände in Österreich.  Publ. by the Österreichschen Nationalbibliothek under the direction of Helmut W. Lang.  Vol. 2, _Wien_, pt. 2, ed. by  Wilma Buchinger and Konstanze Mittendorfer .  Hildesheim: Olms-Weidmann, 1995, pp. 121-123.

Notes on the Inventory
The indices were prepared by Lap Kwan Kam (Universität Wien, for C-11, D-4 and the revision of C-10). Editorial assistance was provided by Debra Lacoste (University of Western Ontario, for D-4 and the revision of C-11 and C-10).
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete source