Browse Chants

Displaying 1-14 of 14 chants
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
156v 1 Felix locus felix ecclesia in

Thomae Cant. V A p 201809 1 Image
156v 2 Jacet granum oppressum palea

Thomae Cant. V R 601260 5 Image
156v 3 Cadit custos vitis in vinea

Thomae Cant. V V 01 601260a 5S Image
157r 1 Gloria patri et filio et

Thomae Cant. V V 02 909000 5S Image
157r 2 A solis*

Thomae Cant. V H 008248 * Image
157r 3 Gloria et honore*

Thomae Cant. V W 008081 * Image
157r 4 Pastor caesus in gregis medio

Thomae Cant. V A M 203776 1 Image
157r 9 Granum cadit copiam germinat

Thomae Cant. V2 A 1 202016 1 Image
157r 10 Totus orbis martyris certat

Thomae Cant. V2 A 2 204932 2 Image
157v 1 Aqua Thomae quinquies varians

Thomae Cant. V2 A 3 200355 3 Image
157v 2 Ad Thomae memoriam quater lux

Thomae Cant. V2 A 4 200111 6T Image
157v 3 Tu per Thomae sanguinem quem

Thomae Cant. V2 A 5 204990 8 Image
157v 4 Salve Thoma virga justitiae

Thomae Cant. V2 A M 204370 1 Image
279v 2 Opem nobis o Thoma porrige

Thomae Cant. X A 203689 6T Image
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