Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-13 of 13 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 1 Redime me domine et miserere

Fer. 2 per annum N R 007517 r
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 2 Pes enim meus stetit in via

Fer. 2 per annum N V 01 007517a r
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 3 Ab occultis meis munda me

Fer. 2 per annum N W 007928 *
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 4 Inclinavit dominus aurem suam

Fer. 2 per annum V2 A 1 003319 1
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 5 Credidi propter quod locutus

Fer. 2 per annum V2 A 2 001944 2
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 6 Laudate dominum omnes gentes

Fer. 2 per annum V2 A 3 003586 2
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 7 Clamavi et exaudivit me

Fer. 2 per annum V2 A 4 001824 4
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 8 Auxilium meum a domino

Fer. 2 per annum V2 A 5 001536 2
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 9 Dirigatur domine ad te oratio

Fer. 2 per annum V2 W 008018 *
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 10 Cognoverunt omnes a Dan usque

De Regum H A 1 001849 1
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 11 Obsecro domine aufer

De Regum H A 2 004099 1
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 12 Praevaluit David in

De Regum H A 3 004368 8
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 020v 13 Nonne iste est David de

De Regum H A 4 003948 8
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