Browse Chants

Displaying 1-68 of 68 chants
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
050v 4 Igitur dissimulata*

Inventio Stephani V R 006877 2
050v 5 Cui sacerdos*

Inventio Stephani V V 01 006877a 2
050v 6 Gloria*

Inventio Stephani V V 02 909000 *
050v 7 Ecce jam coram te*

Inventio Stephani V R 006594 *
050v 8 Exsultabunt sancti in gloria

Inventio Stephani V W 008068 r
050v 9 Sanctorum meritis*

Inventio Stephani V H 008390
050v 10 Ostendit sanctus Gamaliel per

Inventio Stephani V A M 004202 4
050v 11 Adoremus regem magnum dominum

Inventio Stephani M I 001015 4
050v 12 Luciano venerabili presbytero

Inventio Stephani M A 1.1 003641 1
050v 13 Dum adhuc pene vigilaret vir

Dum adhuc pene vigilaret vir

Inventio Stephani M A 1.2 002435 2
051r 1 Vidit igitur assistere sibi

Inventio Stephani M A 1.3 005414 3
051r 2 Vir dei Gamaliel ait Luciano

Inventio Stephani M A 1.4 005430 4
051r 3 Isti etenim maximo digni sunt

Inventio Stephani M A 1.5 003436 5
051r 4 Cum ergo sint apud deum

Inventio Stephani M A 1.6 001997 6
051r 5 Justorum animae

Inventio Stephani M W 1. 008114 r
051r 6 Beatus Gamaliel doctoris

Inventio Stephani M R 1.1 006211 1
051r 7 Calciatus caligis in

Inventio Stephani M V 01 006211a 1
051r 8 Igitur dissimulata Gamaliel

Inventio Stephani M R 1.2 006877 2
051v 1 Cui sacerdos respondit quis

Inventio Stephani M V 01 006877a 2
051v 2 Vade Luciane et dic Joanni

Inventio Stephani M R 1.3 007815 3
051v 3 Aperi nobis velocius ut per

Inventio Stephani M V 01 007815a 3
051v 4 Aperi nobis festinanter

Inventio Stephani M R 1.4 600122 7
051v 5 Non tantum sollicitus sum

Inventio Stephani M V 01 600122a 7
051v 6 Ego sum Gamaliel qui Paulum

Inventio Stephani M A 2.1 201511 8
052r 1 Beatissimus Stephanus

Inventio Stephani M A 2.2 200532 3
052r 2 Ipse est dominus meus

Inventio Stephani M A 2.3 202645 8
052r 3 In jejuniis et orationibus

Inventio Stephani M A 2.4 003248 7
052r 4 Nonne vides quanta sit

Inventio Stephani M A 2.5 003951 8
052r 5 Surge ergo et vade et

Inventio Stephani M A 2.6 005071 1
052r 6 Lucianus presbyter dixit

Inventio Stephani M R 2.1 007107 4
052v 1 Qui a Judaeis Jerusalem

Inventio Stephani M V 01 007107a 4
052v 2 Cum scirem ego Gamaliel

Inventio Stephani M R 2.2 006373 5
052v 3 Auditor domini Nicodemus

Inventio Stephani M V 01 006373a 5
052v 4 Sacerdos dei Lucianus

Inventio Stephani M R 2.3 007555 6T
052v 5 Ut confisus fiducialiter

Inventio Stephani M V 01 007555a 6T
053r 1 Ecce jam coram te protomartyr

Inventio Stephani M R 2.4 006594 1
053r 2 Caritatis gratia repletus pro

Inventio Stephani M V 01 006594a 1S
053r 3 Gloria*

Inventio Stephani M V 02 909000 *
053r 4 Beati Stephani aperientes

Inventio Stephani M A 3. 200515 6
053r 5 Deprecatus enim sum ut si a

Inventio Stephani M R 3.1 600553 1
053r 6 Mox a prima visione timui

Inventio Stephani M V 01 600553a 1
053r 7 Sanctus Gamaliel in visu

Inventio Stephani M R 3.2 007612 7
053v 1 Et unus ex tribus calathis

Inventio Stephani M V 01 007612a 7
053v 2 Vides o frater Luciane hos

Inventio Stephani M R 3.3 007868 8
053v 3 Introgressus ostium sepulcri

Inventio Stephani M V 01 007868a 8
053v 4 Sanctus Joannes episcopus

Inventio Stephani M R 3.4 007613 1
054r 1 Qui primus apud Judaeos

Inventio Stephani M V 01 007613a 1
054r 2 Gloria*

Inventio Stephani M V 02 909000 1
054r 3 Ecce jam coram*

Inventio Stephani M R 13 006594 *
054r 4 Regressus Lucianus presbyter

Inventio Stephani L A 1 004603 2
054r 5 Apparuit sanctus Gamaliel quidam monacho

Apparuit sanctus Gamaliel quidam monacho nomine Migetio innocenti et simplici viro dicens ad eum vade et dic Luciano in vanum laboras in acervo illo non ibi sumus modo

Inventio Stephani L A 2 001460 3
054r 6 Ibi olim positi fuimus

Inventio Stephani L A 3 003159 4
054r 7 Audiens ergo Lucianus

Inventio Stephani L A 4 001515 5
054v 1 Dum inventum esset

Inventio Stephani L A 5 002459 6
054v 2 Sancte Stephane martyr*

Inventio Stephani L R 007579 r
054v 3 Sancte dei pretiose*

Inventio Stephani L H 830309
054v 4 Exsultabunt sancti in gloria

Inventio Stephani L W 008068 r
054v 5 Ex odoris mira fragrantia

Inventio Stephani L A B 002745 7T
054v 6 Regressus*

Inventio Stephani P A 004603 2
054v 7 Apparuit sanctus*

Inventio Stephani T A 001460 *
054v 8 Ibi olim*

Inventio Stephani S A 003159 4
054v 9 Dum inventum*

Inventio Stephani N A 002459 6
054v 10 Luciano*

Inventio Stephani V2 A 1 003641 1
054v 11 Sancte Stephane*

Inventio Stephani V2 R 007579 r
054v 12 Et impetratam*

Inventio Stephani V2 V 01 007579a r
054v 13 Gloria*

Inventio Stephani V2 V 02 909000 *
054v 14 Sancte dei pretiose*

Inventio Stephani V2 H 830309
054v 15 Hodie sanctus Joannes

Inventio Stephani V2 A M 003118 8
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