Browse Chants

Displaying 1-11 of 11 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
119r 1 Jam amplexibus Christi castis astricta

Jam amplexibus Christi castis astricta sum et corpori ejus sociata sum

Agnetis M A 2.6 205414 1 Image
119r 2 Adjuvabit*


Agnetis M W 2. 007934 r Image
119r 3 Ipsi sum desponsata cui angeli

Ipsi sum desponsata cui angeli serviunt cujus pulchritudinem sol et luna mirantur ipsi soli servo fidem ipsi me tota devotione committo

Agnetis M R 2.1 006992 8 Image
119r 4 Jam amplexibus Christi castis astricta

Jam amplexibus Christi castis astricta sum et corpori ejus sociata

Agnetis M V 01 006992za 8 Image
119r 5 Propter veritatem*

Propter veritatem*

Agnetis M R 2.2 007441 1 Image
119r 6 Veni sponsa*

Veni sponsa*

Agnetis M R 2.3 007828 3 Image
119r 7 Offerrentur*


Agnetis M R 2.4 007312 1 Image
119r 8 Ecce quod cupivi jam video

Ecce quod cupivi jam video quod speravi jam teneo illi sum juncta in caelis quem in terris posita tota devotione dilexi

Agnetis M A 3. 002539 1T Image
119r 9 Elegit eam*

Elegit eam*

Agnetis M W 3. 008046 r Image
119r 10 Induit me dominus vestimento salutis

Induit me dominus vestimento salutis et indumento laetitiae circumdedit me et tamquam sponsam decoravit me corona

Agnetis M R 3.1 006955 6T Image
119r 11 Ornavit inaestimabili dextrochirio dexteram meam

Ornavit inaestimabili dextrochirio dexteram meam collumque meum cinxit lapidibus pretiosis

Agnetis M V 01 006955za 6T Image
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