Browse Chants

Displaying 1-6 of 6 chants
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
047v 1 Ab oriente venerunt magi in

Epiphania,8 E A 1 001205 8
047v 2 Videntes stellam magi gavisi

Epiphania,8 E A 2 005391 7
047v 3 Tria sunt munera quae

Epiphania,8 E A 3 005181 4
047v 4 Lux de luce apparuisti

Epiphania,8 E A 4 003649 8
047v 5 Vidimus stellam ejus in

Epiphania,8 E A 5 005411 1
047v 6 Interrogabat magos Herodes

Epiphania,8 E A 6 003376 8
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