Browse Chants

Displaying 1-60 of 60 chants
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
254 5 Alleluia vi (Repleti sunt)

Dom. Pentecostes V A 001331 8
254 6 Repleti sunt omnes*

Dom. Pentecostes V R 007531 *
254 7 Loquebantur variis*

Dom. Pentecostes V V 01 007531a *
255 1 Spiritus domini replevit

Dom. Pentecostes V W 008204 r
255 2 Non vos relinquam orphanos

Dom. Pentecostes V A M 003941 2
255 3 Alleluia spiritus domini

Dom. Pentecostes M I 001034 5
255 4 Factus est repente de caelo

Dom. Pentecostes M A 1. 002847 8
255 5 Emitte spiritum tuum et

Dom. Pentecostes M W 1. 008052 r
255 6 Dum complerentur dies

Dom. Pentecostes M R 1.1 006536 3
256 1 Dum ergo essent discipuli in

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 006536b 3
256 2 Repleti sunt omnes spiritu

Dom. Pentecostes M R 1.2 007531 2T
256 3 Loquebantur variis linguis

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 007531a 2T
256 4 Spiritus domini replevit

Dom. Pentecostes M R 1.3 007690 8
257 1 Omnium est enim artifex omnem

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 007690a 8
257 2 Jam non dicam vos servos

Dom. Pentecostes M R 1.4 007030 8
257 3 Quorum remiseritis peccata

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 007030a 8
257 4 Confirma hoc deus quod

Dom. Pentecostes M A 2. 001873 8
257 5 Factus est repente*

Dom. Pentecostes M W 2. 800159 r
257 6 Disciplinam et sapientiam

Dom. Pentecostes M R 2.1 006460 8
258 1 Repentino namque sonitu

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 006460b 8
258 2 Ite in orbem universum et

Dom. Pentecostes M R 2.2 007028 6T
258 3 Signa autem eos qui

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 007028b 6T
258 4 Spiritus sanctus replevit

Dom. Pentecostes M R 2.3 007694 7
259 1 Cum essent in unum congregati

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 007694za 7
259 2 Loquebantur variis linguis

Dom. Pentecostes M R 2.4 007101 2
259 3 Repleti sunt omnes spiritu

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 007101a 2
259 4 Emitte spiritum tuum et

Dom. Pentecostes M A 3. 002643 8
259 5 Confirma hoc deus quod

Dom. Pentecostes M W 3. 007990 r
259 6 Advenit ignis divinus non

Dom. Pentecostes M R 3.1 006053 7
260 1 Invenit eos concordes carita-

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 006053a 7
260 2 Apparuerunt apostolis

Dom. Pentecostes M R 3.2 006110 7
260 3 Loquebantur variis linguis

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 006110a 7
260 4 Facta autem hac voce convenit

Dom. Pentecostes M R 3.3 006710 7
260 5 Repleti sunt omnes spiritu

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 006710a 7
261 1 Spiritus sanctus procedens a

Dom. Pentecostes M R 3.4 007693 3
261 2 Advenit ignis divinus non

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 007693b 3
261 3 Dum complerentur dies

Dom. Pentecostes L A 1 002442 3
261 4 Spiritus domini replevit

Dom. Pentecostes L A 2 004998 8
261 5 Repleti sunt omnes spiritu

Dom. Pentecostes L A 3 004613 8
261 6 Fontes et omnia quae moventur

Dom. Pentecostes L A 4 002889 1
262 1 Loquebantur variis linguis

Dom. Pentecostes L A 5 003634 7
262 2 Spiritus domini replevit

Dom. Pentecostes L R 007689 r
262 3 Et hoc quod continet omnia

Dom. Pentecostes L V 01 007689a r
262 4 Gloria*

Dom. Pentecostes L V 01 909000 *
262 5 Spiritus sanctus procedens*

Dom. Pentecostes L W 800414 *
262 6 Accipite spiritum sanctum

Dom. Pentecostes L A B 001234 7
262 7 Si quis diligit me sermonem

Dom. Pentecostes P A 004906 3
262 8 Veni sancte spiritus reple

Dom. Pentecostes T A 005327 8
262 9 Factus est repente*

Dom. Pentecostes T W 800159 *
263 1 Spiritus sanctus docebit vos

Dom. Pentecostes T A 005005 6
263 2 Verba quae locutus sum vobis

Dom. Pentecostes S A 005359 6
263 3 Repleti sunt*

Dom. Pentecostes S W 008182 *
263 4 Spiritus paraclitus alleluia

Dom. Pentecostes N A 005002 6
263 5 Loquebantur variis*

Dom. Pentecostes N W 008126 *
263 6 Alleluia vi (Repleti sunt)*

Dom. Pentecostes V2 A 001331 *
263 7 Repleti sunt omnes spiritu

Dom. Pentecostes V2 R 007530 r
263 8 Et coeperunt loqui variis

Dom. Pentecostes V2 V 01 007530za r
263 9 Spiritus domini replevit

Dom. Pentecostes V2 W 008204 r
263 10 Hodie completi sunt dies

Dom. Pentecostes V2 A M 003096 1
264 1 Alleluia alleluia hodie omnes

Dom. Pentecostes X A P 200197 7
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