Browse Chants

Displaying 1-6 of 6 chants
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
076 1 Venient ad te qui detrahebant

Epiphania V2 A 3M 005331 8
076 2 Caeli aperti sunt super eum

Epiphania V2 A 4M 001835 8
076 3 Fontes aquarum sanctificati

Epiphania V2 A 5M 002888 8
076 4 Omnes de Saba*

Octava Epiphaniae V R 007314 *
076 5 Reges Tharsis*

Octava Epiphaniae V V 01 007314a *
076 6 Baptizat miles regem servus

Octava Epiphaniae V A M 001553 8
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